Introduction Part 1: Mystical Genesis 1. It All Starts with a Dream: The motif of Dream in Turkish Literature 2. Aşık Literature in Historical Context 3. Selfhood and Mystical Language in the Poetry of Yunus Emre Part 2: Ottoman Poetics 4. Histories of Ottoman Literature from Periphery to Imperial Center 5. Gazel as Genre among the Ottoman Ruling Elite 6. Towards a Theory of Ottoman Allegory: Allegorical Narratives from Ḥüsn ü Dil to Ḥüsn ü ʿAşq 7. Human Voice Echoing in the Silence of God: Tevfik Fikret and Modern Ottoman Poetry Part 3: Cultures of Reading 8. Reading and Writing Practices in the Ottoman Empire 9. Rewriting as an Ottoman Translation Practice: Two Bīẖ-i Çīnī Translations by Sixteenth-Century Poets 10. Narrative as the Literary Public: Reader and Author Figures in Modern Ottoman Turkish Literature (1866-1896) Part 4: Women and Gender 11. Methodological Challenges in Late Ottoman and Turkish Literary Scholarship: Gender, Aesthetics, and Sociopolitical Contexts 12. Gender in Islamicate Ottoman Turkish Poetry 13. Gendered Narratives of Ottoman Prose Fiction: The ‘Wiles of Women’ Stories 14. Towards a Gynocritical Study of Turkish Fiction: Contemporary Turkish Women’s Literature (1950-1970) Part 5: Linguistic Diversity 15. Karamanlidika Literary Production in the Mid-Nineteenth Century 16. A Comparative Glimpse of the Early Steps of Novelistic Imagination in Turkish: Armeno-Turkish Novels of the 1850s and 1860s 17. Making the ‘Other’ Your Own: The Challenge of Modern Kurdish Literature Regarding Kurdish Voices in Turkish Part 6: National identity 18. Modern Turkish Literary Historiography: Mehmet Fuat Köprülü and His Legacy 19. Theatre as a Propagandist Tool from Late Ottoman to 1930s in Turkey 20. Imagining the Nation from the Street: Nationalism, Daily Life and Emotions in the Short Stories of Ömer Seyfettin 21. Humanist Translation and the Making of Modern Turkey Part 7: Literary Modernisms 22. Envisioning Modern Individual in the Late 19th Century Ottoman-Turkish Fiction 23. “We, Too, Are Oriental”: Nâzım Hikmet’s Futurist and Anti-Colonial Modernity 24. The Emergence and the End of an Endemic Genre in Turkish Literature: The Case of Village Novel in a Comparative Context 25. Poetic Urbanism in Turkish Modernist Poetry: Dramatic Monologue in The Second New Wave 26. Laughter in the dark: The Modernist Avant-Garde Path in Turkish Literature Part 8: Political Turmoils and Traumas 27. The Aufhebung of Traumatic Memory: Literary Responses to Military Coups in Turkey 28. Conflicting Ideologies, Competing Ideals: The Intellectual Types of the 1970s Turkish Novel 29. The Grammar of Conspiracy in Orhan Pamuk’s Snow Appendix: A Chronology