1. The nature of office of director
2. Directors, the Board and the company secretary
3. Directors’ rights
4. Statutory statement of directors’ general duties
5. Breach of duty by a director
6. Statutory duties of directors
7. Accounting and financial responsibilities of directors
8. Directors’ duties and the members
9. Directors’ duties in public and listed companies
10. Directors and corporate governance
11. Directors’ duties and employment issues
12. Directors’ duties and the environment
13. Duties and the customer
14. Directors, creditors and insolvency
Appendix 1 Checklist of matters to include in a director’s service contract
Appendix 2 Extract from ICSA guidance: a sample non-executive director’s appointment letter (Guidance Note 111214)
Appendix 3 CDDA 1986 Schedule 1: Matters for Determining Unfitness of Directors
Appendix 4 Statutory registers
Appendix 5 Inspection of company records
Appendix 6 Companies Act 2006: statutory forms and fi ling periods
Appendix 7 Schedule of recommended retention periods
Appendix 8 Retention and disposal of records
Appendix 9 General notice by director of interest in any contract of the company
Appendix 10 Minute recording a director’s disclosure of interest
Appendix 11 Extract from Regulation 5 of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008
Appendix 12 Directors’ responsibilities: statement for a non- publicly traded company preparing financial statements under UK GAAP
Appendix 13 Summary of companies’ accounts fi ling obligations
Appendix 14 Qualification as a very small, small or medium-sized group or company
Appendix 15 Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 Schedule 1 Regulation 3(4)(d)
Appendix 16 Wording of special resolution amending the Articles of Association of a private company to provide power to purchase own shares
Appendix 17 Notice of redemption of shares
Appendix 18 Summary of procedural requirements where resolutions of private companies are passed by written resolution
Appendix 19 Special notice to company of resolution to remove a director
Appendix 20 Draft format for a written resolution
Appendix 21 Wording of a directors’ responsibility statement
Appendix 22 Modern Slavery Statement Example
Appendix 23 Extract from ICSA Guidance on Terms of Reference – Remuneration Committee
Appendix 24 Extract from ICSA Guidance on Terms of Reference – Audit Committee
Appendix 25 Basic contents of the written statement of employment
Appendix 26 Sample disciplinary and grievance policy (a modified extract from the Acas guide: Discipline and grievances at work, March 2015)
Appendix 27 Example of a whistleblowing policy
Appendix 28 HSE’s health and safety leadership checklist
Appendix 29 Punishment of offences under IA 1986
Appendix 30 Schedule A1 to IA 1986 – Punishment of offences whilst a voluntary arrangement is in force
Appendix 31 Extract from ICSA Guidance on Terms of Reference – Nomination Committee
Appendix 32 Extract from the ICSA Guidance on Induction of Directors (May 2015)
Appendix 33 Extract from ICSA Guidance on Matters Reserved for the Board