Contents: Andrew James Johnston: Filming the Seven Deadly Sins - Chaucer, Hollywood and the Postmodern Middle Ages - Malte Urban: Myth and the Present: Chaucer's Troilus as a Mirror for Ricardian England - Sandra Lowerre: To Rise Beyond Their Sex: Female Cross-Dressing Saints in Caxton's Vitas Patrum - Dieter Bitterli: The Survival of the Dead Cuckoo. Exeter Book Riddle 9 - Guillaume Schiltz: Der Canterburyspruch oder 'Wie finden dänische Runen und englische Komputistik zusammen?' Ein Beitrag zur historischen Textlinguistik - Susanne Kries: Fela í rúnum e a í skáldskap: Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian Approaches to Riddles and Poetic Disguises - Bianca Kossmann: Regularity in semantic change? A corpus-based critique of Hughes (1988, 2000) - Sandra Boggel: Nou onderstand wel - Metacommunicative Directives in Middle English and Early Modern English Religious Texts.