1. Diversity of various symbiotic associations between microbes and host plants 2. Amelioration of biotic stress by using rhizobacteria for Sustainable crop produce 3. Microbes: Salient Tools in Achieving Ecosystem Approaches 4. The role of rhizobacterial volatile compounds in increasing plant tolerance to biological and non-biological stresses 5. Bioremediation Potential of Rhizosphere microbes: current perspectives 6. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR): their potential as antagonists and biological control agents 7. Rhizospheric microbiome: Organization and bioinformatics studies 8. Microbiome Biodiversity- current advancement and applications 9. Microbial Consortium with multifunctional plant growth-promoting attributes: Future Perspective in Agriculture 10. Nutrition and cultivation strategies of core Rhizosphere Microorganisms 11. Bioengineering of rhizobiome towards sustainable agricultural production 12. Rhizosphere Spatiotemporal analysis: a comprehensive study 13. Azospirillum, a free-living nitrogen-fixing bacterium: Smart Agriculture and Sustainable Exploitation 14. Plant-microbe interactions: Different perspectives in promoting plant growth and health 15. Rhizosphere ecology and management for improving nutrient use efficiency and crop productivity 16. Recent advances in discovery of new drugs from plant associated microbes 17. Plant Health: feedback effect of root exudates and rhizobiome interactions 18. Ecotypic adaption of plants and role of microbiota to ameliorate the environmental extremes using contemporary approaches 19. Ecological and structural attributes of soil rhizobiome affecting plant soil feedbacks under biotic stress 20. Bioinformatics study of role of rhizobiome to biologically control the pathogens of Vegetables 21. Multi omics analysis of rhizosphere and plant Health 22. Chemical profiling of metabolites of Bacillus Sps: A case study 23. Achievements of Prof. Hiltner vis a vis the contributions towards rhizopshere science