"Kjeldsen's Rhetorical Audience Studies presents a compelling argument for flipping the script on the way we study rhetoric. This reversal resonates with the methodological turn in the field and holds significant potential for the way scholars approach the agency and dynamism of those who receive rhetoric. The volume will be a helpful starting place for critics interested in attending to rhetoric's other angles and vistas." (Sara McKinnon, Rhetorica Scandinavica, retorikforlaget.se, February, 15, 2019)
Jens E. Kjeldsen is Professor of Rhetoric and Visual Communication at University of Bergen, Norway. He has written extensively about rhetoric, visual communication and argumentation, speech making, speech writing and PowerPoint-presentations. Kjeldsen is President of the Rhetoric Society of Europe and co-founder and longtime chief editor of the research journal Rhetorica Scandinavia. Several of his publications, including two edited collections, deal with reception-oriented approaches in the field of rhetoric.