Torill Strand is Professor at the University of Oslo’s Department of Education. Her competencies range from meta-theory to social epistemologies, educational philosophy and theory, cosmopolitanism and semiotics. Her current research explores narratives and genealogies of justice in education. Strand has written and edited numerous books and special issues, and has published widely in international journals. Her recent titles include “Alain Badiou on political education”, “Reification as a forgetting”, “Thinking Democracy and Education for the Present: The Case of Norway after July 22, 2011”, “Climate Justice and Education” and “Cinema, Philosophy and Education” (forthcoming). Strand served as president elect of the Nordic Society for Philosophy of Education until 2018. She is currently a member of the International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE) board and part of the HumStud research group at the University of Oslo.
This book offers a variety of outlooks and perspectives on the constitutive values and formative norms of a society, reflected by discourses on ethical-political education. It also discusses conceptual and critical philosophical works combined with empirical studies.
The book is divided into three parts: the first part describes contemporary youth’s tangible experience of and reflections on ethical-political issues, while the second part explores the potential powers and pitfalls of educational philosophies, old and new. The third part highlights cutting edge issues within the humanities and social sciences, and examines the prospects of a fruitful rethinking of ethical-political education in response to today’s pressing issues.
By addressing current dilemmas with diligence and insight, the authors offer solid arguments for new theoretical and practical directions to promote philosophical clarification and advance research. Intended for students, teachers and researchers, the book provides fresh perspectives on the many facets of ethical-political education, and as such is a valuable contribution to educational research and debate.