1.1 The ANYWHERE paradigm shift in responding to weather and climate emergencies: Impact forecasting, dynamic vulnerability and the need for citizen?s involvement1.2 Hydrometeorological drought forecasts: Lessons learned from ANYWHERE and next steps to improve drought management1.3 Experiences and lessons learnt in Wildfire management with PROPAGATOR, an Operational Cellular-Automata Based Wildfire Simulator1.4 Building an operational decision support system for multiple weather-induced health hazards: ANYWHERE developments and future applications1.5 The EUMETNET OPERA radar network ? European-wide precipitation composites supporting rainfall-induced flash flood emergency management1.6 Towards impact-based communication during climate emergencies: A community-based approach to improve flood early warning systems1.7 Challenges for a better use of crowdfunding information in climate emergency situational awareness and early warning systems1.8 Co-evaluation: How to measure achievements in complex co-production projects? ANYWHERE?s contribution to enhance emergency management of weather and climate events1.9 Co-evaluation: How to measure achievements in complex co-production projects? ANYWHERE?s contribution to enhance emergency management of weather and climate events2.1 Using Artificial Intelligence to manage extreme weather events: The impact of the beAWARE solution2.2 Innovative visual analysis solutions to support disaster management2.3 Social media monitoring for disaster management3.1 Human-centred public warnings3.2 A DRM solution for professionals and citizens3.3 Transforming data coming from social media streams into disaster-related information4. Conclusions and perspectives
Daniel Sempere-Torres is Professor at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.Anastasios Karakostas is Senior Researcher at the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece.Claudio Rossi is a Researcher at the Links Foundation, Turin, Italy.Philippe Quevauviller is Professor at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium.