1. Approaching International Dissidence: Concepts, Cases, Causes (Svenja Gertheiss and Stefanie Herr)
2. Health before Patents: Challenging the Primacy of Intellectual Property Rights (Saskia Scholz and Klaus Dieter)
3. Challenging Sovereignty and State Monopoly on the Use of Force at Sea? The Operations of Private Anti-Piracy Security Provider (Carolin Liss)
4. National Liberation Movements and the UN: Favour Won and Lost? (Stefanie Herr)
5. Delegitimization à la Carte: The ‘Rogue State’ Concept as a Means of Stabilizing Order in the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime (Carmen Wunderlich)
6. Dissidence on the Internet (Thorsten Thiel)
7. Protecting Religion: Muslim Opposition and Dissidence against Western Representations of Islam (Claudia Baumgart-Ochse)
8. Migration under Control: Sovereignty, Freedom of Movement, and the Stability of Order (Svenja Gertheiss)
9. Conclusion (Klaus Dieter Wolf and Carmen Wunderlich)
Svenja Gertheiss has worked as a research fellow at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) and the University Duisburg-Essen. Her research interests include, among others, international migration, refugees and diasporas.
Stefanie Herr is a Campaigner at World Vision Germany. Before joining World Vision, she worked as a research associate at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt and the Cluster of Excellence "The Formation of Normative Orders". Her work focused on non-state armed groups and their commitment to humanitarian norms. She conducted extensive field research in Sri Lanka, Southern Sudan and Kenya.
Klaus Dieter Wolf holds the Chair for International Relations at Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, and is the Executive Director of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt. He is the Speaker of the Leibniz Research Alliance “Crises in a Globalised World” and one of the Principal Investigators of the Cluster of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders”.
Carmen Wunderlich is a research fellow at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt. She studied Political Science, Philosophy and German Language and Literature at Goethe University, Frankfurt. Her research focuses on norm contestation and so-called ‘rogue states’ as norm entrepreneurs and arms control and disarmament policy (with a focus on Sweden and Iran), among others.