'Deeply original, thoughtful and based on an incredible erudition, Donatella Di Cesare's plea for a world in which all human beings would be "resident foreigners" is the best answer to the rise of racism, xenophobia and nationalism.'Enzo Traverso, Cornell University
Introduction. In short1. Migrants and the state1. Ellis Island; 2. If the migrant unmasked the state; 3. The state-centric order; 4. A fundamental hostility; 5. Beyond sovereignty. A marginal note; 6. Philosophy and migration; 7. A shipwreck with spectators. On the current debate. 8. Thinking from the shore. 9. Migration and modernity. 10. Columbus and the image of the globe. 11 'We refugees'. The scum of the earth. 12. What rights for the stateless? 13. The frontier of democracy. 14. The sovereigntism of closing the borders. 15. Philosophers against Samaritans. 16. Citizens' priority and the dogma of self-determination; 17. If the state is a club. Exclusionary liberalism; 18. The defence of national integrity; 19. Ownership over the earth: a baseless myth; 20. Freedom of movement and birth privilege; 21. Migrants against the poor? Welfare chauvinism and global justice; 22. Neither exodus nor 'deportation' nor 'human trafficking'; 23. Jus migrandi. For the right to migrate; 24. Mare liberum and the sovereign's word; 25. Kant, the right to visit and residency denied2. The end of hospitality?1. The continent of migrants. 2. 'Us' and 'them'. The grammar of hatred. 3. Europe, 2015. 4. Hegel, the Mediterranean and the cemetery of the sea, 5. Fadoul's story. 6. 'Refugees' and 'migrants'. Impossible classifications. 7. The metamorphoses of the exile. 8. Asylum: from an ambiguous right to a dispositif of power. 9. 'You're not from here!' An existential negation. 10. The migrant's original sin. 11. 'Illegals': being condemned to invisibility. 12. Terms of domination: 'integration' and 'naturalisation'; 13. When the immigrant remains an émigré; 14. The foreigner who lives outside, the foreigner who lives within; 15. Clandestine passageways, heterotopias, anarchic routes.3. Resident foreigners1. On exile. 2. Neither rootlessness or wandering. 3. Phenomenology of habitation. 4. What does migrating mean? 5. The global homelessness. 6. 'Children of the Earth'. Athens and the myth of autochthony. 7. Rome: the city without origin and the imperial citizenship. 8. The theological-political charter of the ger. 9. Jerusalem. The city of foreigners. 10. On return.4. Living together in the new millennium.1. The new age of walls. 2. Lampedusa: the name of what border? 3. Condemned not to move. 4. The world of camps. 5. The passport, a paradoxical document. 6. 'To each their own home!' Cryptoracism and the new Hitlerism. 7. Hospitality. In the impasse between ethics and politics. 8. Beyond citizenship. 9. The limits of cosmopolitanism. 10. Community, immunity, reception. 11. When Europe is drowned... 12. Making room for others. 13. What does cohabitation mean? 14. Resident foreigners.ReferencesName index
Donatella Di Cesare is Professor of Theoretical Philosophy at the Sapienza University of Rome.