The Educational Impacts of Minecraft on Elementary School Students
Thierry Karsenti & Julien Bugmann
University of Montreal, Canada
Mobile games in computer science education: State of the art and proposal of a mobile game design that incorporates physical activity
Ioannis Siakavaras, Marina Papastergiou, Nikos Comoutos
University of Thessaly, Greece
Exemplifying online game design and exploitation for interdisciplinary teaching in Primary School through the WeAreEurope game for EU citizenship education
Tharrenos Bratitsis
University of Western Macedonia, Greece
Evaluation of an augmented reality game for environmental education: “Save Elli, Save the environment”
1 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
2 University of the Aegean, Greece
Part III: Science and Mathematics
Hostage of the Software: Experiences Teaching Inferential Statistics to Undergraduate Human-Computer Interaction students and a Survey of the Literature
Frode E. Sandnes1,2, Evelyn Eika
1 Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway
2 Westerdals Oslo School of Art, Communication and Technology, Norway
Examining Students Actions while Experimenting with a Blended Combination of Physical and Virtual Manipulatives in Physics
George Olympiou, & Zacharias C. Zacharia
University of Cyprus, Cyprus
The impact of virtual laboratory environments in teaching-by-inquiry electric circuits in Greek Secondary Education: the ElectroLab Project
Taramopoulos Athanasios, Psillos Dimitrios
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Tracing Students’ Actions in Inquiry-based Simulations
A software tool to evaluate performance in a higher education institution
Hugo Paredes1,2, Arsénio Reis1,2,Jorge Borges1, Carlos Rodrigues1, João Barroso1,2
1 University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
2 INESC TEC, Portugal
Integration of technologies in higher education: Teachers’ needs and expectations at UTAD
Ana Maia1,2, Jorge Borges1, Arsénio Reis1,3, Paulo Martins1,3, João Barroso1,3
1University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
2Research Center “Didactics and Technology in Teacher Education”, Portugal
3INESC TE , Portugal
Virtual environments for vocational training: immersion and user experience in a virtual kitchen
Nikiforos M. Papachristos, George Ntalakas, Ioannis Vrellis, Tassos Anastasios Mikropoulos
University of Ioannina, Greece
Anastasios Mikropoulos is a Professor in the Department of Primary Education at the University of Ioannina in Ioannina, Greece. His primary research interests include learning technologies, virtual reality in education, educational neuroscience, and digital educational games. He is the Director of the Educational Approaches to Virtual Reality Technologies Laboratory (EARTH Lab) at the University of Ioannina, which conducts basic and applied research in the scientific field of ICT in education, virtual reality in education, and the scientific and educational domains of educational software.
This book is an essential text for researchers and academics seeking the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of all aspects of e-learning and ICT in education, providing expanded peer-reviewed content from research presented at the 10th Panhellenic Conference on ICT in Education. The volume includes papers covering technical, pedagogical, organizational, instructional, as well as policy aspects of ICT in Education and e-Learning, and emphasizes applied research relevant to the educational realities in schools, colleges, universities and informal learning organizations. Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education is a valuable resource for education professionals interested in keeping up with current trends, perspectives, and approaches determining e-Learning and ICT integration in practice, including learning and teaching, curriculum and instructional design, learning media and environments, teacher education and professional development.