Introduction viiChapter 1 Positions: Some Specificities of a Research Approach Compared to a Professional Approach 11.1 A difference in position between that of the social or professional actor and that of the researcher 11.2 The challenge of research is to move from a social/professional question to a research question 51.3 The challenge of research is also to focus on common-sense concepts 61.4 The issue of the epistemological choices made by the researcher and the implications 8Chapter 2 Practices: Conducting a Research Project and Data Security Issues 112.1 Introduction: the research context 112.2 Scientific approach and methods in the social sciences 132.3 From research topic to problem statement 152.3.1 The initial question 152.3.2 The exploratory approach 162.3.3 Problem statement 182.4 Design of the survey protocol 192.4.1 Survey field and participants 202.4.2 Negotiating the survey and field access with the Local Education Authority and management teams: a project to be defended 212.4.3 General Data Protection Regulation on personal data and documents produced 222.5 The construction of data collection instruments 352.5.1 Constructing the questionnaire 352.5.2 Composing the interview guide 452.6 Data collection 482.6.1 Time in the field 482.6.2 Administering the questionnaires 512.6.3 Administering interviews 532.6.4 GDPR, tasks and constraints 552.7 Data processing 572.7.1 Clean up the database 572.7.2 Transcribing 622.8 Data analysis 632.8.1 Analyzing questionnaires 642.8.2 Interview analysis 882.9 Dissemination and publication of results 972.9.1 Group dossier 972.9.2 Reports, conferences and research articles 104Chapter 3 Forms: Research Cultures, Diversity of Forms and Interdisciplinary Issues 1113.1 Recognizing different research "cultures" 1113.2 External research, engaged research, collaborative research, action research and related issues 1143.3 Mono-, pluri-, inter- and transdisciplinary research and related issues 1193.4 Communication and valorization of research (its outcomes and methodological steps) 1223.5 Pursuing a doctorate 1243.6 Careers in research and higher education 127Conclusion 133Appendix 1 Questionnaire 137Appendix 2 Interview Guide 153Appendix 3 Quiz 157References 169Index 173
Carole Daverne-Bailly is a senior lecturer and accredited to supervise research (HDR) at the University of Rouen Normandy. She is also a member of CIRNEF (Centre interdisciplinaire de Recherche Normand en Education et Formation), France.Richard Wittorski is a full professor at the University of Rouen Normandy and a director at CIRNEF, France.