1. Epidemiology and initial assessment of the infertile patient Mark Hamilton; 2. Disorders of ovulation and reproductive endocrine disorders associated with infertility Sesh Sunkara; 3. Endometriosis Lucky Saraswat; 4. Uterine and tubal factors resulting in infertility Abha Maheshwari; 5. Andrology and infertility Allan Pacey and Kevin McEleny; 6. Unexplained infertility Ben Mol and Andrew William Nguyen; 7. Assisted reproduction: role in the management of infertility Kugajeevan Vigneswaran and Haitham Hamoda; 8. Adjuvants in assisted reproduction Sarah Armstrong and Cindy Farquhar; 9. Assisted reproduction: laboratory procedures Virginia Bolton; 10. Fertility preservation Maya Chetty and Richard Anderson; 11. Third-party reproduction: psychological aspects of infertility practice Jacky Boivin, Petra Thorn and Petra Nordqvist; 12. Ethics in infertility clinical practice Gillian Lockwood; 13. Evidence synthesis, assessment and guidelines Siladitya Bhattacharya; 14. The organization of services and quality assurance in infertility management Alison McTavish and Mark Hamilton.