Representations of Algebras: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Representations of Algebras, Held in Puebla, Mexico, August 4-8, » książka
On the number of terms in the middle of an almost split sequence.- On adjoint functors in representation theory.- Tilted algebras.- Representation-finite tree algebras.- Auslander-Reiten quivers of exact one-parameter partially ordered sets.- Complexity and Krull Dimension.- The universal cover of a representation-finite algebra.- Group-graded algebras and the zero relation problem.- Relative invariants and subgeneric orbits of quivers of finite and tame type.- Construction of tilted algebras.- On representations of the symmetric groups, nilpotent matrices, systems, vectorbundles and Schubert cells.- Induced modules and comodules and representations of BOCS's and DGC's.- Some remarks on the modular group algebras.- Topological aspects of matrix problems.- Some remarks on reflection functors.- Algebras stably equivalent to factors of hereditary.- On blocks with multiplicity one.- The connected component group of an algebra.- Cotorsion modules over tame finite-dimensional hereditary algebras.- Inequalities for blocktheoretic invariants.- TrD-periodic mdules over selfinjective algebras.- On the 2-modular representations of M12.- Extensions of artinian rings by hereditary injective modules.- Universal coverings of selfinjective algebras.- Brauer-thrall I for orders and its application to orders with loops in their Auslander-Reiten graph.- What conditions do vertices of irreducible modules satisfy?.- On algebras whose trivial extensions are of finite representation type.