'A significant addition to the growing tradition of scholarship on religious conversion, and a valuable resource for scholars and students who are interested in religious, social, and cultural developments of South Asia.' - Ronald Neufeldt, Hindu-Christian Studies Bulletin
Chapter 1 Introduction, Geoffrey A. Oddie; Chapter 2 Processes of Conversion to Christianity in Nineteenth Century North-Western India, Avril A. Powell; Chapter 3 Old Wine in New Bottles?, Geoffrey A. Oddie; Chapter 4 Strength of Tradition and Weakness of Communication - Central Kerala Dalit Conversion, George Oommen; Chapter 5 The French Mission and the Mass Movements, Henriette Bugge; Chapter 6 The Beginnings of the Theosophical Movement in India, 1879–1885, Edward C. Moulton; Chapter 7 George Uglow Pope contra Vedanayagam Sastriar, Antony Copley;