Introduction: Religion, the United Nations and Institutional Process, Jeremy Carrette (University of Kent, UK)
1. Realism and Idealism: NGOs and the United Nations System, Hugh Miall (University of Kent, UK)
2. The Problem of Categories: Exploring Religion and NGOs Through Survey Research, Evelyn Bush (Fordham University, USA)
3. Representation, Accountability and Influence at the UN: Results from the Survey of Religious NGOs, Evelyn Bush (Fordham University, USA)
4. Religious NGOs, UN Participation and Fieldwork Methodology, Sophie-Hélène Trigeaud (Catholic Institute of Paris, France)
5. On and Behind the Scene: Religious NGO Processes at the OHCHR of the UN in Geneva, Sophie-Hélène Trigeaud (Catholic Institute of Paris, France)
6. Blessing or Bother? Religion and Religious NGOs at the UN in New York, Verena Beittinger-Lee (Independent Scholar)
7. Islam, The OIC and the Defamation of Religions Controversy, Verena Beittinger-Lee(Independent Scholar) & Hugh Miall(University of Kent, UK)
8. Catholicism at the United Nations in New York, Verena Beittinger-Lee(Independent Scholar)
9. Hindu and Buddhist NGOs and the United Nations, Jeremy Carrette(University of Kent, UK)
Conclusion: Diplomacy, State Power and Irrational Religion, Hugh Miall & Jeremy Carrette