Physical forces that regulate stem cell fate.- Pluripotent stem cells: its potential applications.- Unraveling the role of long-non coding RNAs in pluripotent stem cells-based neuronal commitment and neurogenesis.- Control of quiescence in adult stem cells.- Etiology and treatment of osteoarthritis: A developmental biological perspective.- Differences in cell populations and expression of soluble mediators between normal wound healing and healing in the diabetic.- MSC-derived exosomes as tools in regenerative medicine.- Mixing of different batches of cells permits better therapeutic potential of MSCs.- Blood to blood: new candidate for regenerative medicine.- HSC based gene therapy for blood diseases.- Allogeneic stem cell transplantation including haplo-identical stem cell transplants.- Mesenchymal stem cells and transplantation tolerance.- Ideal stem cell candidate for regenerative medicine.- Pre-clinical/clinical study on idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.- Comparative analysis between ES and iPS cells for use in regenerative medicine: scope, advantage and safety.- Regeneration of lacrimal gland: potential and progress.- Clinical trials in cardiac regeneration using adult stem cells: Current and future prospects.- Tissue engineering for the treatment of in large bone defect.- Corneal Regeneration: Current status and future directions.- Cell therapy for retinal regeneration: current progress and future challenges.- Vaculogenesis: Importance in regeneration of solid organs.- Cord blood banking in India and the global scenario.- Prospects and retrospect of clinical applications of stem cell in veterinary sciences.- Engineering of scaffolds for soft tissue engineering.- 3D bioprinting of tissue.- Tissue engineering: Cell, scaffold and growth factor based strategies.- Pre-clinical trial: A bottleneck that impedes development of regenerative medicine.- Stem cell research work ethics and Indian stem cell research policy.
Dr. Asok Mukhopadhyay has just retired from the very prestigious National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi after more than 25 years of service as a Scientist & Principle Investigator. He received his PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi and worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA. His main area of research is stem cells in regenerative medicine. He has published 75 research papers, contributed to 7 book chapters and has also written the textbook “Animal Cell Technology” [Published by IK International, New Delhi; ISBN: 978-81-89866-96-9 (2009)]. Further, he holds 2 Indian patents.
Dr. Mukhopadhyay is a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of several leading Indian institutions, as well as the Task Force on ‘Stem Cells Research and Regenerative Medicine’- Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. He also serves as a reviewer for various reputed journals such as Tissue Engineering, World Journal of Stem Cell Research, Biotechnology & Bioengineering, and Stem cells and Development.
This book discusses the two different cellular approaches that are pursued in regenerative medicine: cell therapy and tissue engineering. It examines in detail the therapeutic application of hematopoietic stem cells in marrow regeneration, multi-potent mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), also referred to as mesenchymal stromal cells. The interest in MSCs can be seen in more than 150 clinical trials, some of which have progressed to Phase III, despite the cells’ limited differentiation potential. The book also explores how embryonic stem (ES) cells, being pluripotent in nature, can resolve some of the problems associated with adult stem cells, yet entail other challenges like risks of teratoma formation and immune rejection. A separate chapter deals with the role of noncoding RNAs in neuronal commitment of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells.
Chapters like “Cord blood banking in India and the global scenario”; “3D bioprinting of tissue” and others will make this book an extremely interesting read for all students, researchers and clinicians working in the area of regenerative medicine/stem cells.
The book is broadly divided into three parts, the first of which is devoted to basic information on stem cells and some aspect of disease biology, the second which addresses upcoming prospects in the regeneration of pancreas, liver, Lacrimal gland, and tissue engineering in general. Also, the second part discusses two important areas of translational regenerative medicine: challenges in pre-clinical study and manufacturing of cell based products. The third part covers bed side applications in the areas of orthopedic, eyes, hematology, dental tissue engineering, organ transplantation, control of aging, etc.