ISBN-13: 9781541327092 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 64 str.
Who says you must be young and beautiful to find a suitable husband? But, Dowager Laura is still beautiful, even if she has aged. She still has a strong heart full of love and wants to share it with a good man. She and her two dowager friends, Sarah and Deborah, make a pact to help each other find love, and the rules be dashed. She is a mother, a grandmother, a friend and a poet, but she is determined to be a wife once more. After a disappointing start at meeting men, Captain Charles Parry enters her life. But men of a certain age have their own ingrained habits and secrets. Will his tempestuous emotions be the death of their relationship before it has time to develop? What darkness is he hiding from her? And who is that mysterious angry man she keeps seeing at events and at Charles' home? When Charles is arraigned on murder charges, has Laura escaped a danger she should never have engaged? When the mysterious man points a gun, first at Charles and then at Laura, will her search for love be terminated?