Introduction: Film and the Gender LensKatharina Galor (Brown University, USA) and Sa’ed Atshan (Emory University, USA)Part I: Feminist Perspectives
1. The Religious Feminism of Rama Burshtein’s Romances
Karen E. H. Skinazi (University of Bristol, UK)
2. Silence…No More…: Palestinian Cinema of Transgression
Lema M. Salem (Independent Scholar, Germany)
3. Families on the Edge: Interstitial Relations in Recent Palestinian Women’s Cinema
Anna Ball (Nottingham Trent University, UK)Part II: Approaching Masculinities
4. Disappearances and Remains: Masculinity in the Cinema of Elia Suleiman
Kamran Rastegar (Tufts University, USA)
5. “Queer As Can Be”: On Masculinity in Jumana Manna’s Blessed, Blessed Oblivion
Gil Hochberg (Columbia University, USA)Part III: Israeli-Palestinian Intersections
6. Our African Palestine: Intersectional Specters in the House of Zion
Greg Burris (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)
7. Write Down, I Am a Woman
Shai Ginsburg (Duke University, USA)
8. Identity (Ex)Changes, Gender, and Family Ties: Cinematic Representations of Israeli Jews and Palestinians
Yael Zerubavel (Rutgers University, USA)