ISBN-13: 9783031051081 / Angielski / Miękka / 2023
ISBN-13: 9783031051081 / Angielski / Miękka / 2023
This book addresses policies and strategies on internationalization across very different higher education systems globally, including inter alia from South America, Asia and Africa. The volume zooms in on the interplay between the national, institutional and “human” levels of internationalization. The latter is especially novel in that it pays particular attention to how internationalization shapes individuals – rather than only to the effects on student learning or research productivity. The work expounds on (a) the role of internationalization in fostering ethical forms of integration and preparing citizens to engage in dialogue across those differences, (b) the possible trade-offs between private benefits and negative social effects, and (c) the contribution of internationalization to a “global community of minds”. By discussing the human dimension, it becomes clear how internationalization can contribute to defining unique ways to confront today’s societal challenges. Moreover, as the world is facing unprecedented challenges in the wake of the coronavirus, a specific chapter examines how the pandemic has made diversity among different student groups more explicit and what implications this holds for the globalisation of higher education. A range of methodologies was adopted, including qualitative (case studies and interviews) and quantitative (e.g. surveys). The book draws on both strategic frameworks and research projects to provide new perspectives on how internationalization plays out, especially linking strategies with human impacts.
Introduction: Developments in Internationalisation in the 21st Century Error! Bookmark not defined.
The Role of Government Error! Bookmark not defined.
How innovation and technology shape internationalisation Error! Bookmark not defined.
Increasing ethical awareness Error! Bookmark not defined.
Overall developments worth considering Error! Bookmark not defined.Research over student mobility Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalisation at home Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalisation as a core function to fulfil a university’s social responsibility Error! Bookmark not defined.
The enthusiastic views of internationalisation Error! Bookmark not defined.
References Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 1. Greek HEIs in the ERA: Internationalized research and national development - the role of the University Error! Bookmark not defined.
Abstract Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction: legislative framework, structural organization and financial resources concerning research in Greece Error! Bookmark not defined.
The European Research Area Error! Bookmark not defined.Basic aggregates for Greece Error! Bookmark not defined.
Greece in the ERA: Research, Development and Innovation Error! Bookmark not defined.
Government policies regarding Research, Development and Innovation: HEIs Error! Bookmark not defined.
The institutional level: HEIs and academics’ perceptions regarding research in Greece Error! Bookmark not defined.
Research staff and PhD holders in Greece: Analysis, characteristics, priorities Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusion Error! Bookmark not defined.
References Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 2: Internationalisation at Home: Critical Analysis of Challenges, Tensions and Obstacles in Finnish Higher Education Error! Bookmark not defined.
Abstract Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined.
Background/Context Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalisation at home concept Error! Bookmark not defined.
Findings and Recommendations of MoEC report Error! Bookmark not defined.
Research design Error! Bookmark not defined.
Findings/Analysis Error! Bookmark not defined.
National Policy: Regulatory Challenges, Tensions and Obstacles Error! Bookmark not defined.
Interplay between national and institutional levels: lack of agency and incentives for internationalisation at home Error! Bookmark not defined.
Institutional Level: Operationalisation Challenges, Tensions and Obstacles Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusion Error! Bookmark not defined.
References Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 3: The State and its Role in the Internationalization Process of Higher Education in Argentina and the Reaction to Covid-19 Error! Bookmark not defined.
Abstract: Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalization: Concepts and Characteristics Error! Bookmark not defined.
The Argentinean University System. Basic Features Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalization of Argentinean Higher Education in Numbers Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalization Policies in Argentina. Key Process Players. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Secretariat of University Policies – Ministry of Education Error! Bookmark not defined.
National Department of Institutional Cooperation and Integration – Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3. Department of Scientific and Technological Development – National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.4. Study Buenos Aires – Buenos Aires City Government Program – General Secretariat of International Relations Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalization in the Face of COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusions Error! Bookmark not defined.
References Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 4. Internationalization of Higher Education in India: Error! Bookmark not defined.
Deliberations on the Rationale, Strategies, Readiness and Impact Error! Bookmark not defined.
Abstract Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalization of Higher Education in India: Current scenario Error! Bookmark not defined.
Regulatory provisions in India related to internationalization of higher education Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalization of higher education students to and from India Error! Bookmark not defined.
Inbound students Error! Bookmark not defined.
Outbound students Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalization of faculties of higher education Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalization of programs and institutions of Higher Education Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalization of research (in terms of collaboration) in higher education institutes Error! Bookmark not defined.
Borderless education and the dissolving geographical boundaries Error! Bookmark not defined.
COVID 19 and its impact on internationalization of Higher Education in India Error! Bookmark not defined.
Impact of COVID 19 on higher education in India and its implications on internationalization of higher education in India Error! Bookmark not defined.
Impact of COVID 19 on Indian stakeholders associated with higher education abroad before pandemic arrival in India Error! Bookmark not defined.
Impact of COVID 19 on Indian stake-holders desirous to associate with higher education abroad Error! Bookmark not defined.
Choices, reasons and perceptions of Indian students desirous to pursue higher education abroad Error! Bookmark not defined.
Choices, rationale and perceptions of students desirous to study abroad Error! Bookmark not defined.
Experiences, and challenges for inbound students and responses by higher education system in India Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusion Error! Bookmark not defined.
References Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 5: Regional Universities around the World: An Analysis of Single Campus, Multi-campus and Virtual Models Error! Bookmark not defined.
Abstract Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined.
Objectives and Information Sources Error! Bookmark not defined.
Differentiating Regional Universities from Other Types of International Higher Education Institutions Error! Bookmark not defined.
Proposed Typology for Regional Universities Error! Bookmark not defined.
Comparative Analysis of Regional Universities Error! Bookmark not defined.
Founding Dates Error! Bookmark not defined.
Language of Instruction Error! Bookmark not defined.Rationales Error! Bookmark not defined.
Governance and Funding Error! Bookmark not defined.
Enrolments and Program Offerings Error! Bookmark not defined.
Issues for Further Research and Reflection Error! Bookmark not defined.
References Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 6: Internationalisation of Finnish Higher Education as a Policy Driver in a Merger Process—Towards Competition, Collaboration, or Sustainability? Error! Bookmark not defined.
Abstract Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined.
Discourses and Aspects of Internationalisation in Higher Education Error! Bookmark not defined.
Higher Education Internationalisation Policies in Finland Error! Bookmark not defined.
Higher Education Merger Policies in Finland Error! Bookmark not defined.
Towards a More International Tampere University: Merger as a Tool for Internationalisation Error! Bookmark not defined.
A More Competitive, Collaborative and Sustainable New University? The Tampere University Action Plan for Internationalisation Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusion Error! Bookmark not defined.
Analysed material Error! Bookmark not defined.
References Error! Bookmark not defined.Chapter 7: University Internationalisation: the impact of the COVIC experience in a global-south university Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined.
A brief overview of Brazilian higher education policies and the position occupied by the policies for internationalisation Error! Bookmark not defined.
The University of São Paulo’s experience Error! Bookmark not defined.
The birth of a new policy area inside University of São Paulo: internationalisation Error! Bookmark not defined.
Institutional building and internationalisation at USP: the pre-conditions for Internationalisation at a Distance Error! Bookmark not defined.
The impact of the COVID experience Error! Bookmark not defined.
The dark face of remote internationalisation: deepening inequalities Error! Bookmark not defined.
Shifting behaviour patterns in internationalisation of research during the COVID 19 pandemic Error! Bookmark not defined.
Final remarks Error! Bookmark not defined.
References Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 8: Institutional strategic treatment of internationalisation in Flanders Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined.
Institute of Tropical Medicine Error! Bookmark not defined.
Background Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalisation Error! Bookmark not defined.
KU Leuven Error! Bookmark not defined.
Background Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalisation policy Error! Bookmark not defined.
An international student body Error! Bookmark not defined.
International cooperation Error! Bookmark not defined.
Development cooperation Error! Bookmark not defined.
Alumni policy Error! Bookmark not defined.
Inclusive education Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusion and discussion Error! Bookmark not defined.
References Error! Bookmark not defined.
Relevant websites Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 9: National Strategies of Internationalisation: The Case of Hungary Error! Bookmark not defined.
Hungarian higher education since 2010 Error! Bookmark not defined.
Hungary’s standing in internationalisation, 2020 Error! Bookmark not defined.
The internationalisation policy of the Hungarian government Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalisation at the major Hungarian universities Error! Bookmark not defined.
The human dimension of internationalisation Error! Bookmark not defined.
Sources of information Error! Bookmark not defined.
International students in Hungary Error! Bookmark not defined.
Hungarian students abroad Error! Bookmark not defined.
The pandemic and internationalisation Error! Bookmark not defined.
Education policy background Error! Bookmark not defined.Education during the pandemic Error! Bookmark not defined.
Research on education during the pandemic Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusions for the educational policy Error! Bookmark not defined.
Summary and conclusions Error! Bookmark not defined.
Summary Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusions Error! Bookmark not defined.
References Error! Bookmark not defined.
Annexes Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 10: Internationalization and social responsibility in Ethiopian Higher Education Error! Bookmark not defined.
Abstract Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined.
Methodology Error! Bookmark not defined.
Ethiopia and its higher education Error! Bookmark not defined.
IHE in Ethiopia Error! Bookmark not defined.
USR in Ethiopia Error! Bookmark not defined.
The relation between IHE and USR Error! Bookmark not defined.
Factors potentially affecting implementation of internationalization and social responsibility in Ethiopia Error! Bookmark not defined.
Lack of institutional policies and strategies Error! Bookmark not defined.
Lack of emphasis on moral, ethics, values and principles Error! Bookmark not defined.
Lack of funding and collaboration and partnership Error! Bookmark not defined.
Lack of emphasis on community service Error! Bookmark not defined.
Lack of data Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusion and implications Error! Bookmark not defined.
References Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 11: Internationalization in increasingly decolonising global south university sectors: a prospective view of opportunities and challenges Error! Bookmark not defined.
Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined.
The context of Higher Education Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conceptual definitions Error! Bookmark not defined.
The notion of North–South in the global context Error! Bookmark not defined.
Internationalisation Error! Bookmark not defined.
Decolonisation as an emerging discourse in the global south Error! Bookmark not defined.
Discussion of assumptions behind Internationalisation and Decolonisation Error! Bookmark not defined.
References Error! Bookmark not defined.
Chapter 12: Ten Facts about Internationalising Higher Education Online: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly? Error! Bookmark not defined.
1. Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Internationalisation Abroad or Internationalisation at Home? Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. The Good: Benefits Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.1 It increases the accessibility of higher education at a global scale Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.2 It increases diversity in a course community Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.3 It increases revenue for higher education institutions Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. The Bad: Problems Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.1 It may be accessible but not necessarily affordable Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.2 It may increase the diversity of students but not of curricula Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3 It may increase the revenue by decreasing the quality of educational provision Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.4 It may make rich universities richer and poor universities poorer Error! Bookmark not defined.
5. The Ugly: Dangers Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.1 Issues with negative learning experiences of online international students Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.2 Issues with stigmatisation and bias against online international students Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.3 Issues with the Western colonisation of online higher education Error! Bookmark not defined.
6. Conclusion Error! Bookmark not defined.
7. References Error! Bookmark not defined.
Conclusions: Reconfiguring internationalisation in global higher education: converging the nations, the institutions and the humans Error! Bookmark not defined.
Leon Cremonini is a Senior Policy Officer at the Directorate for Strategy and Policy, University of Twente, the Netherlands. Between March 2018 and November 2019 Leon was the Managing Director of the Ethiopian Institute for Higher Education (EIHE) at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia (2018-2019), following a 12-year tenure as researcher at the Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS), University of Twente. He worked in Europe the United States and Africa, focusing on higher education policy reform in several countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Main areas of expertise include excellence policies, internationalization, quality assessment, university and programme rankings, and equity and access to higher education, particularly for historically disadvantaged populations and refugees. Leon presented papers and published on these topics. He has been a researcher on several European Union-sponsored projects. He has worked as a consultant to the European Union’s delegation to Syria on higher education in emergencies project, and as a consultant for the development of the national strategy for higher education in Ethiopia.
This book addresses policies and strategies on internationalization across very different higher education systems globally, including inter alia from South America, Asia and Africa. The volume zooms in on the interplay between the national, institutional and “human” levels of internationalization. The latter is especially novel in that it pays particular attention to how internationalization shapes individuals – rather than only to the effects on student learning or research productivity. The work expounds on (a) the role of internationalization in fostering ethical forms of integration and preparing citizens to engage in dialogue across those differences, (b) the possible trade-offs between private benefits and negative social effects, and (c) the contribution of internationalization to a “global community of minds”. By discussing the human dimension, it becomes clear how internationalization can contribute to defining unique ways to confront today’s societal challenges. Moreover, as the world is facing unprecedented challenges in the wake of the coronavirus, a specific chapter examines how the pandemic has made diversity among different student groups more explicit and what implications this holds for the globalisation of higher education. A range of methodologies was adopted, including qualitative (case studies and interviews) and quantitative (e.g. surveys). The book draws on both strategic frameworks and research projects to provide new perspectives on how internationalization plays out, especially linking strategies with human impacts.
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