SWB06. Martinus-Bibliothek - Wissenschaftliche Diözesanbibliothek im Priesterseminar Mainz07. Hochschul- und Landesbibliothek RheinMain08. VThK - Bibliothek des Bischöflichen Priesterseminars Fulda09. Württembergische Landesbibliothek Stuttgart10. KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg11. BVB - BibliotheksVerbund Bayern12. Zentralkatalog der Bibliotheken der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Württemberg13. Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek14. Swisscovery (SLSP)15. Universitäten Innsbruck und Salzburg. ===Pass on knowledge and experience!As a certified live online trainer and lecturer, coach, certified (business)mediator & university didactician, I pass on knowledge and experience in teaching, researching and writing.Reviewer and author of partly international visible papers in the disciplines of laws, consulting, conflict and dispute resolution, university didactics, communication, management, upbringing, schools and educational systems, pedagogy, politics, psychology, social sciences, social problems and economics (German/English).Here you can find my publications:01. German National Library Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig02. WorldCat03. Virtual catalog of Karlsruhe04. Union catalog HEBIS, Hessen05. K10plus union catalog GBV
SWB06. Martinus Library - Scientific Diocesan Library of the Mainz Seminary07. RheineMain University and State Library08. VThK - Library of the Episcopal Seminary in Fulda09. Wurttemberg State Library Stuttgart10. KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg11. BVB - Bavarian Library Association12. Central catalog of the libraries of the Evangelical Church in Wurttemberg13. German Digital Library14. Swisscovery (SLSP)15. Universities of Innsbruck and Salzburg.