. Optimization in the sensor cloud: Taxonomy, challenges, and survey 2. Computational intelligence techniques for localization and clustering in wireless sensor 3. Computational intelligent techniques for resource management schemes in wireless sensor networks 4. Swarm intelligence based MSMOPSO for optimization of resource provisioning in Internet of Things 5. DNA-based authentication to access internet of things-based healthcare data 6. Computational intelligence techniques for cancer diagnosis 7. Security and privacy in the internet of things: computational intelligent techniques-based approaches 8. Automatic enhancement of coronary arteries using convolutional gray-level templates and path-based metaheuristics 9. Smart city development: Theft handling of public vehicles using image analysis and cloud network 10. Novel detection of cancerous cells through an image segmentation approach using principal component analysis 11. Classification of the operating spectrum for the RAMAN amplifier embedded optical communication system using soft computing techniques 12. Random walk elephant swarm water search algorithm for identifying order-preserving submatrices in gene expression data: a new approach using elephant swarm water search algorithm 13. Geopositioning of fog nodes based on user device location and framework for game theoretic applications in an fog to cloud network 14. A wavelet-based low frequency prior for single-image dehazing 15. Segmentation of retinal blood vessel structure based on statistical distribution of the area of isolated objects 16. Energy-efficient rendezvous point-based routing in wireless sensor network with mobile sink 17. An integration of handcrafted features for violent event detection in videos 18. Deep learning-based diabetic retinopathy detection for multiclass imbalanced data 19. Internet of Things e-health revolution: secured transmission of homeopathic e-medicines through chaotic key formation 20. Smart farming and water saving-based intelligent irrigation system implementation using the Internet of Things 21. Intelligent and smart enabling technologies in advanced applications: recent trends 22. Leveraging technology for healthcare and retaining access to personal health data to enhance personal health and well-being 23. Enhancement of foveolar architectural changes in gastric endoscopic biopsies