1. Photon-magnon coupling: Historical perspective, status, and future directions Biswanath Bhoi and Sang-Koog Kim 2. The influence of the internal domain wall structure on spin wave band structure in periodic magnetic stripe domain patterns Pawel Gruszecki, Chandrima Banerjee, Michal Mruczkiewicz, Olav Hellwig, Anjan Barman and Maciej Krawczyk 3. Functional domain walls: Concepts and perspectives Jan Seidel 4. Skyrmions in ferroelectric materials Jiri Hlinka and Petr Ondrejkovic 5. Dynamics in artificial spin ice and magnetic metamaterials Joseph Sklenar, Sergi Lendinez and M. Benjamin Jungfleisch 6. Effective flexoelectric and flexomagnetic response of ferroics Eugene A. Eliseev, Anna N. Morozovska, Victoria V. Khist and Victor Polinger
Dr. Robert Stamps works at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Canada.
Helmut Schultheiss finished his PhD in 2010 at the University of Technology Kaiserslautern in Germany. After his PhD he worked for three years at the Argonne National Laboratory in the U.S.A.. In 2014 he received the Emmy Noether fellowship of the German Science Foundation for starting his own research group at the Helmholtz-Center Dresden-Rossendorf in Germany. His research interest are magnons in micro- and nano-structures and their interaction with spin currents and magneto-optics.