I: Introduction.- 1. What is Overseas History? Some Reflections on a Colloquium and a Problem.- II: The Great Colonial Powers.- 2. English-language Historiography on British Expansion in India and Indian Reactions Since 1945.- 3. European Expansion into West Africa: A Historiographical Survey of English-language Publications Since 1945.- 4. Historiography of the Maghrib.- 5. French Historiography Since 1945 Concerning Black Africa.- III: The Small Colonial Powers.- 6. Iberian Historiography on European Expansion Since World War II.- 7. Dutch Historiography on European Expansion Since 1945.- 8. The History of European Expansion: A Review on German-language Writing Since World War II.- 9. Belgian Historiography Since 1945.- 10. European Expansion: Nordic Historiography After 1945.- IV: A Vision From the Other Side.- 11. Japanese Historiography and European Sources.- V: Bibliography.- 12. Post-Colonial Bibliography: Some Useful Titles.- Notes on the Contributors.- Index of Authors.