Chapter Goal: to introduce to Raspberry Pi and to prepare development environment with Raspbian OS.
· 1.1 What is Raspberry Pi?
· 1.2 Review Raspberry Pi Board Models
· 1.3 Introdice Raspbian OS
· 1.4 Set up Raspbian OS on Raspberry Pi Boards
· 1.5 Explore Raspbian OS Desktop and Terminal
· 1.6 Set up Raspberry Pi Networking
Chapter 2 title: Raspbian OS Command Line
Chapter Goal: to learn how to work with commandline on Raspbian OS.
· 2.1 Introduce Raspbian Shells
· 2.2 Basic Raspbian Shell
· 2.3 Manipulating Files and Directories
· 2.4 Redirection
· 2.5 Permission
· 2.6 Manipulating Processes
· 2.7 Media Storage
Chapter 3 title: Programming on Raspbian OS
Chapter Goal: to learn how to develop programs on Raspbian.
· 3.1 Programming Models in Raspbian OS
· 3.2 Set up Programming Environment
· 3.3 C/C++ Programming
· 3.4 Python Programming
· 3.5 Node.js Programming
Chapter 4 title: Computational Mathematics with Wolfram Language and Mathematica
Chapter Goal: to learn how to build computation mathematics using Wolfram Language and Mathematica.
· 4.1 Introduce Wolfram Language and Mathematica
· 4.2 Set up Wolfram Language and Mathematica
· 4.3 Develop a Hello World Program
· 4.4 Basic Programming
o 4.4.1 Data Type and Declaring Variables
o 4.4.2 Arithmetic Operators
o 4.4.3 Relational and Logical Operators
o 4.4.4 Conditional Statements
o 4.4.5 Looping
o 4.4.6 Adding Comments
o 4.4.7 Functions
· 4.5 Computational Mathematics
Chapter 5 title: Visual Programming with Scratch
Chapter Goal: To learn how to build visual programs with Scratch on Raspbian OS and Raspberry Pi boards.
· 5.1 Introduce Visual Programming
· 5.2 Introduce Scratch
· 5.3 Set up Scratch
· 5.4 Develop Hello Program
· 5.5 Basic Scratch Programming
· 5.6 Demo: Build a Simple Game with Scratch
Agus Kurniawan is a lecturer, IT consultant, and author. He has nearly 20 years of experience in various software and hardware development projects, delivering materials in training and workshops, and technical writing. He has received the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award 14 years in a row.
Agus is a lecturer and researcher in the fields of software development, embedded system, machine learning, networking and security systems at the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in computer science at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
Master the command line and Raspbian Linux as well as the physical connections of the Pi. With this book you’ll develop skills applicable to other real world applications in both hardware and software development all while working on simple and fun IoT projects that you can do yourself.
You'll learn to build programs on the top of Raspbian OS in Raspberry Pi boards. Start by using Raspbian shells to develop programs.Then follow projects and samples step-by-step to get new experiences in Raspbian OS development. You'll also learn the Wolfram Language and Mathematica, Scratch, IoT programs and IoT middleware, Node-RED, Interactive Data Visualization with Jupyter Notebook, and more.
There are many features in Raspbian OS and on Raspberry Pi boards perfect for building an IoT program to suite various scenarios. The GPIO pins on your Raspberry Pi allow it to scale further to accomplish all kinds of projects and tasks. Raspbian OS Programming with the Raspberry Pi is your pathway to exploring all of this.