Section I Representation of Rainfall Formation and Development 1. Rainfall Microphysics 2. Meteorological Systems Producing Rainfall 3. Rainfall Modeling
Section II Measurement and Determination of Rainfall 4. Rain Gauge Network Design 5. Rainfall Estimation by Meteorological Radars 6. Rainfall Estimation by Satellites
Section III Rainfall Data Analysis 7. Time Resolution of Rain Gauge Data and its Hydrological Role 8. Mean Areal Precipitation Estimation: Issues and Methods 9. Intensity-Duration-Frequency-Curves 10. Analysis of Extreme Rainfall Events and Climatic Change 11. Rainfall Regionalization Techniques
Section IV Rainfall in the Hydrological Modeling 12. Rainfall and Flood Development 13. Rainfall and Groundwater Flow 14. Rainfall and Landslides Development 15. Rainfall and Droughts