ISBN-13: 9781119652380 / Angielski / Twarda / 2020 / 320 str.
ISBN-13: 9781119652380 / Angielski / Twarda / 2020 / 320 str.
About the Editors xiiiPreface xviiList of Contributors xxiiiList of Abbreviations xxviiPart I Waveforms and Mixed-Numerology 11 ICI Cancellation Techniques Based on Data Repetition for OFDM Systems 3Miaowen Wen, Jun Li, Xilin Cheng and Xiang Cheng1.1 OFDM History 31.2 OFDM Principle 41.2.1 Subcarrier Orthogonality 41.2.2 Discrete Implementation 51.2.3 OFDM in Multipath Channel 61.3 Carrier Frequency Offset Effect 81.3.1 Properties of ICI Coefficients 91.3.2 Carrier-to-Interference Power Ratio 91.4 ICI Cancellation Techniques 111.4.1 One-Path Cancellation with Mirror Mapping MSR Scheme MCSR Scheme 131.4.2 Two-Path Cancellation with Mirror Mapping MCVT Scheme MCJT Scheme 151.4.3 CIR Comparison 161.5 Experiment on Sea 171.5.1 Experiment Settings 181.5.2 Experiment Results 211.6 Summary 22References 232 Filtered OFDM: An Insight into Intrinsic In-Band Interference 25Juquan Mao, Lei Zhang and Pei Xiao2.1 Introduction 252.1.1 Notations 262.2 System Model for f-OFDM SISO System 262.3 In-Band Interference Analysis and Discussion 302.3.1 Channel Diagonalization and In-Band Interference-Free Systems 302.3.2 In-Band Interference Power 312.3.3 In-Band Interference Mitigation: A Practical Approach for Choosing CR Length 322.3.4 An Alternative for In-Band Interference Mitigation: Frequency Domain Equalization (FDE) 332.3.4.1 Linear Equalizers 332.3.4.2 Nonlinear Equalizers 342.4 Numerical Results 342.4.1 Numerical Results for In-Band Interference 352.5 Conclusion 381.2 Appendix 381.2.1 Derivation of zk 382.3 Appendix 392.3.1 Proof of ThetapreBeing a Strict Upper Triangle 393.4 Appendix 393.4.1 Proof of Property 2.A.2 39References 403 Windowed OFDM for Mixed-Numerology 5G and Beyond Systems 43Bowen Yang, Xiaoying Zhang, Lei Zhang, Arman Farhang, Pei Xiao and Muhammad Ali Imran3.1 Introduction 433.2 W-OFDM System Model 453.2.1 Single Numerology System Model 463.2.2 System Model for Mixed Numerologies 483.3 Inter-numerology Interference Analysis 503.3.1 Inter-numerology Interference Analysis for Numerology 1 503.3.2 Inter-numerology Interference Analysis for Numerology 2 523.4 Numerical Results and Discussion 543.5 Conclusions 573.6 Derivation of (3.9) 573.7 Derivations of (3.28) 583.8 Derivations of (3.30) 59References 594 Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing: Unified Multicarrier Framework 63Ahmad Nimr, Zhongju Li, Marwa Chafii and Gerhard Fettweis4.1 Overview of MulticarrierWaveforms 634.1.1 Time-Frequency Representation 644.1.1.1 Discrete-Time Representation 654.1.1.2 Relation to Gabor Theory 664.1.2 GFDM As a FlexibleWaveform 664.1.2.1 GFDM with Multiple Prototype Pulses 674.1.3 Generalized Block-Based Multicarrier 684.1.3.1 Transmitter 694.1.3.2 Receiver 694.2 GFDM As a Flexible Framework 704.2.1 GFDM Representations 714.2.1.1 Filter Bank Representation 714.2.1.2 Vector Representation 714.2.1.3 2D-Block Representation 724.2.1.4 GFDM Matrix Structure 734.2.2 Architecture and Extended Flexibility 744.2.2.1 Alternative Interpretation of GFDM 754.2.2.2 Extended Flexibility 764.2.2.3 Flexible Hardware Architecture 764.3 GFDM for OFDM Enhancement 784.3.1 Transmitter 784.3.2 Receiver 794.3.2.1 LMMSE GFDM-Based Receiver 794.4 Conclusions 80References 805 Filter Bank Multicarrier Modulation 83Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny5.1 Introduction 835.1.1 Notations: 835.2 FBMC Methods 845.3 Theory 845.3.1 CMT 855.3.2 SMT 885.4 Prototype Filter Design 925.4.1 Prototype Filters for Time-Invariant Channels 925.4.2 Prototype Filters for Time-Varying Channels 935.5 Synchronization and Tracking Methods 945.5.1 Preamble Design 955.5.2 Channel Tracking 965.5.3 Timing Tracking 975.6 Equalization 975.7 Computational Complexity 985.8 Applications 98References 996 Orthogonal Time-Frequency Space Modulation: Principles and Implementation 103Arman Farhang and Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny6.1 Introduction 1036.2 OTFS Principles 1056.3 OFDM-Based OTFS 1076.4 Channel Impact 1086.5 Simplified Modem Structure 1106.6 Complexity Analysis 1136.7 Recent Results and Potential Research Directions 114References 117Part II RAN Slicing and 5G Vertical Industries 1217 Multi-Numerology Waveform Parameter Assignment in 5G 123Ahmet Yazar and Hüseyin Arslan7.1 Introduction 1237.1.1 Problem Definitions 1257.1.2 Literature Review 1267.2 Waveform Parameter Options 1287.3 Waveform Parameter Assignment 1307.4 Conclusion 132References 1328 Network Slicing with Spectrum Sharing 137Yue Liu, Xu Yang and Laurie Cuthbert8.1 The Need for Spectrum Sharing 1378.2 Historical Approaches to Spectrum Sharing 1398.2.1 Classifications of Spectrum Sharing 1408.2.1.1 Orthogonality 1408.2.1.2 Sharing Rights 1418.2.1.3 Allocation of Resources 1428.3 Network Slicing in the RAN 1448.4 Radio Resource Allocation that Considers Spectrum Sharing 1468.4.1 Example Radio Resource Allocation for Sharing Through Network Slicing 1478.4.2 Other Considerations 1538.5 Isolation 1568.5.1 Example Isolation Results Using CAC 1578.5.1.1 Type A: Baseline - CACWithout Network Isolation and Without Protection for Existing Users 1588.5.1.2 Type B: Optimum Types - B1 and B2 1588.5.1.3 Type C: Without Compensation - C1 and C2 1598.6 Conclusions 162Acknowledgments 163References 1639 Access Control and Handoff Policy Design for RAN Slicing 167Yao Sun, Lei Zhang, Gang Feng and Muhammad Ali Imran9.1 A Framework of User Access Control for RAN Slicing 1679.1.1 System Model for RAN Slicing 1689.1.2 UE Association Problem Description 1709.1.3 Admission Control Mechanisms Design for RAN Slicing 1709.1.3.1 Optimal QoS AC Mechanism 1719.1.3.2 Num-AC Mechanism 1769.1.4 Experiments, Results, and Discussions 1779.2 Smart Handoff Policy Design for RAN Slicing 1799.2.1 RAN Slice Based Mobile Network Model 1799.2.2 Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Based Handoff Framework 1819.2.3 LESS Algorithm for Target BS and NS Selection 1819.2.3.1 q-Value Update Policy 1829.2.3.2 Optimal Action Policy 1839.2.4 Experiment, Results, and Discussions 1849.3 Summary 186References 18610 Robust RAN Slicing 189Ruihan Wen and Gang Feng10.1 Introduction 18910.2 Network Model 19010.2.1 Slice Failure Detection Process 19010.2.2 System Model 19110.3 Robust RAN Slicing 19310.3.1 Failure Recovery Problem Formulation 19310.3.2 Robust RAN Slicing Problem Formulation 19510.3.3 Variable Neighborhood Search Based Heuristic for Robust RAN Slicing 19610.4 Numerical Results 19910.4.1 Performance Metrics 19910.4.2 Simulation Scenarios and Settings 20010.4.3 Results 20110.5 Conclusions and Future Work 206References 20611 Flexible Function Split Over Ethernet Enabling RAN Slicing 209Ghizlane Mountaser and Toktam Mahmoodi11.1 Flexible Functional Split Toward RAN Slicing 20911.1.1 Full Centralization and CPRI 20911.1.2 RAN Functional Split 21011.1.3 Flexible Functional Split as RAN Slicing Enabler 21311.2 Fronthaul Reliability and Slicing by Deploying Multipath at the Fronthaul 21311.2.1 Packet-Based Fronthaul 21311.2.2 Multipath Packet-Based Fronthaul for Enhancing Reliability 21311.2.3 Slicing Within Multipath Fronthaul 21411.3 Experimentation Results Evaluation of Flexible Functional Split for RAN Slicing 21411.3.1 Experimental Setup 21411.3.2 Evaluation and Discussion of the Results 21511.4 Simulation Results Analysis of Multipath Packet-Based Fronthaul for RAN Slicing 21711.4.1 Simulation System Model 217References 21912 Service-Oriented RAN Support of Network Slicing 221Wei Tan, Feng Han, Yinghao Jin and Chenchen Yang12.1 Introduction 22112.2 General Concept and Principles 22212.2.1 Network Slicing Concepts 22312.2.2 Overall RAN Subsystem 22412.2.3 Key Principles of Network Slicing in RAN 22512.3 RAN Subsystem Deployment Scenarios 22712.4 Key Technologies to Enable Service-Oriented RAN Slicing 22912.4.1 Device Awareness of RAN Part of Network Slice 23012.4.2 Slice-Specific RAN Part of Network Slice 23212.4.3 Mission-Driven Resource Utilization, Sharing, and Aggregation 23412.4.4 Slice-Aware Connected UE Mobility 23512.4.5 Slice-Level Handlings for Idle/Inactive UEs 23712.5 Summary 237References 23813 5G Network Slicing for V2X Communications: Technologies and Enablers 239Claudia Campolo, Antonella Molinaro and Vincenzo Sciancalepore13.1 Introduction 23913.2 Vehicular Applications 24013.3 V2X Communication Technologies 24113.3.1 The C-V2X Technology 24213.3.1.1 The PC5 Radio Interface 24213.3.1.2 The LTE-Uu Interface 24213.3.1.3 Core Network 24313.3.2 C-V2X Toward 5G 24313.3.2.1 Radio Interface 24313.3.2.2 Core Network 24413.4 Cloudification in V2X Environments 24513.4.1 The Role of MEC 24513.4.2 ETSI MEC-Based Programmable Interfaces 24613.4.3 MEC-Based Support for V2X Applications 24713.5 Transport and Tunneling Protocol for V2X 24813.5.1 GTP-U Encapsulation 24813.5.2 Segment Routing v6 24813.5.3 Scalability and Flexibility in SRv6 25013.6 Network Slicing for V2X 25113.6.1 3GPP Specifications 25113.6.2 Literature Overview 25213.7 Lessons Learnt and Guidelines 25513.7.1 Slice Mapping and Identification 25513.7.2 Multi-tenancy Management 25513.7.3 Massive Communications 25513.7.4 Transparent Mobility 25613.7.5 Isolation 25613.8 Conclusions 256References 25614 Optimizing Resource Allocation in URLLC for Real-Time Wireless Control Systems 259Bo Chang, Liying Li and Guodong Zhao14.1 Introduction 25914.2 System Model with Latency and Reliability Constraints 26114.2.1 Wireless Control Model 26214.2.2 Wireless Communication Model 26614.3 Communication-Control Co-Design 26714.3.1 Communication Constraint 26714.3.2 Control Constraint 26814.3.3 Problem Formulation 26914.4 Optimal Resource Allocation for The Proposed Co-Design 27014.4.1 Relationship Between Control and Communication 27014.4.2 Optimal Resource Allocation 27114.4.2.1 Problem Conversion 27114.4.2.2 Problem Solution 27214.4.3 Optimal Control Convergence Rate 27314.5 Simulations Results 27314.5.1 Control Performance 27414.5.2 Communication Performance 27614.6 Conclusions 279References 279Index 283
LEI ZHANG, PhD, is Senior Lecturer at the University of Glasgow, UK. He received his PhD degree from the University of Sheffield, UK. He was a research fellow in the 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) at the Institute of Communications (ICS), University of Surrey, UK. His research interests include wireless communication systems and networks, blockchain technology, radio access network slicing (RAN slicing), Internet of Things (IoT), multi-antenna signal processing, MIMO systems, and many more.ARMAN FARHANG, PhD, received his PhD from the Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Maynooth University, Ireland. His research interests and activities are in the broad area of signal processing for communications, waveform design, signal processing for multiuser and multiple antenna systems.GANG FENG, PhD, is a Professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), China. He received his MEng degree in Electronic Engineering from UESTC and his PhD in information engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.OLUWAKAYODE ONIRETI, PhD, is a Lecturer at the University of Glasgow, UK. He received an MSc degree in mobile and satellite communication and a PhD in Electronics Engineering from the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.
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