1: Editor’s Introductory Note; Symposium: Race and Representation; 2: Voting Rights Policy and Redistricting: An Introductory Essay; 3: The 1990s Round of Redistricting: A Schematic Outline of Some Key Features; 4: Minority Representation and the Tradeoffs in Legislative Redistricting; 5: The Impact of Redistricting on African-American Representation in the U.S. Congress and State Legislatures in the 1990s; 6: Redistricting the Commonwealth: ANarrative and Analysis of the Virginia Outcome, 1991–1996; 7: New York City Redistricting and New York State Congressional Redistricting: A View from the Inside; 8: Georgia’s Reapportionment and Redistricting Process in 1995: Reflections of a Participant Observer; 9: Social Movement Theory in the Examination of Mobilization in a Black Community: The 1991 Sacramento Redistricting Project; 10: The Voting Rights Act and Judicial Elections: A Horse of a Different Color or Canary in the Coal Mine?; 11: Redistricting in the Multiracial Twenty-First Century: Changing Demographic and Socioeconomic Conditions Pose Important New Challenges; 12: Race and Representation: A Commentary; Call and Response: The Politics of Speaking to and for Black America; 13: The Messages and the Messengers: Opinions from the Million Men Who Marched; Progress and Resistance; 14: Two Paths to Minority Empowerment; 15: Limited and Cumulative Voting in Alabama: An Assessment After Two Rounds of Elections; 16: Fiscal Neglect as a Response to School Desegregation: Defunding Desegregated Schools; The Political Science Discipline: Constraints and Concerns; 17: - The Limits of Rational Choice Theory; 18: The Study of African-American Politics as Social Danger: Clues from the Disciplinary Journals; Reflection; 19: Civil Rights Policy and the Liberal Tradition: A Framework for Evaluating Social Policy; Research; 20: Separate and Unequal: Incorporation, Stratification, and Reform; 21: The Political Behavior of American Blacks: A Research Note on Effects of Four Classes of Variables; 22: Early Post-Cold War Views of World Affairs; 23: The Devolution Decade: Assessing the States’ Response; 24: Reform, Re-Invention, and Good Governance: Politics, the Public Service, and Public Accountability; 25: The Preeminent African-American Legal Scholar: J. Clay Smith, Jr.; Book Reviews; 27: Invitation to the Scholarly Community