Race and Crime: Early Writings 1. W. E. B. Du Bois (1901) "The Spawn of Slavery: The Convict Lease System in the South." 2. Norman Hayner (1938) "Social Factors in Oriental Crime" American Journal of Sociology." 3. Norman Hayner (1942) "Variability in the Criminal Behavior of American Indians." 4. Oliver Cox (1945) "Lynching and the Status Quo." Race, Crime, and theDisproportionality Debate 5. Alfred Blumstein (1982) "On Racial Disproportionality of United States' Prison Populations." 6. Ruth Peterson and John Hagan (1984) "Changing Conceptions of Race: Toward an Account of Anomalous Findings of Sentencing Research." 7. John DiLulio (1996) "My Black Crime Problem, and Ours." 8. Matt Delisi and Robert Regoli (1999) "Race, Conventional Crime, and Criminal Justice: The Declining Importance of Skin Color." Women, Race, and Crime 9. Hans Von Hentig (1942) "The Criminality of Colored Women." 10. Jody Miller (1998) "Up it Up: Gender and the Accomplishment of Street Robbery." 11. Jacqueline Huey and Michael Lynch (1996) "The Image of Black Women in Criminology: Historical Stereotypes as Theoretical Foundation" 12. Carolyn M. West, Glenda Kaufman, and Jana L. Jasinski (1998) "Sociodemographic Predictors and Cultural Barriers to Help-Seeking Behavior by Latina and Anglo American Battered Women." Race, Crime, andCommunities 13. Robert Sampson and William Julius Wilson (1995) "Toward a Theory of Race, Crime, and Urban Inequality." 14. Albert J. Meehan and Michael C. Ponder (2002) "Race and Place: The Ecology of Racial Profiling African American Motorists." 15. Jared Taylor and Glayde Whitney (2002) "Racial Profiling: Is There an Empirical Basis?" 16. Barbara Perry (2002) "Defending the Color Line: Racially and Ethnically Motivated Hate Crime." Explaining Race and ViolentCrimes 17. Darnell Hawkins (1984) "Black and White Homicide Differentials: Alternatives to an Inadequate Theory." 18. Ramiro Martinez, Matthew T. Lee, and Amie L. Nielson (2001) "Revisiting the Scarface Legacy: The Victim/Offender Relationship and Mariel Homicides in Miami." 19. Ronet Bachman (1991) "An Analysis of American Indian Homicide: A Test of Social Disorganization and Economic Deprivation at the Reservation County Level." 20. Marianne R. Yoshioka, Jennifer DiNoia, and Komal Ullah (2001) "Attitudes Towards Marital Violence: An Examination of Four Asian Communities." Race, Crime and Punishment 21. Marjorie Zatz (1987) "The Changing Forms of Racial/Ethnic Biases in Sentencing." 22. Alexander Alvarez and Ronet Bachman (1996) "American Indians and Sentencing Disparity: An Arizona Test." 23. Loic Wacquant (2000) "The New 'Peculiar Institution': On the Prison as Surrogate Ghetto." 24. Paula Kautt and Cassia Spohn (2002) "Crack-ing Down on Black Drug Offenders? Testing for Interactions Among Offenders' Race, Drug Type, and Sentencing Strategy in Federal Drug Sentences."
Shaun L. Gabbidon is Associate Professor in the School of Public Affairs and Coordinator of the Criminal Justice Program at Pennsylvania State University, Capital College, Harrisburg. Helen Taylor Greene is Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at Old Dominion University.