"This is a tremendously comprehensive and well-presented text that will be useful to public health workers, infectious disease specialists, neurologists, and anyone who finds themselves considering a potential rabies case." --Doody
1. A history of rabies - The foundation for global canine rabies elimination 2. Rabies virus 3. Evolution of rabies virus 4. Epidemiology 5. Molecular epidemiology 6. Rabies in terrestrial animals 7. Bat rabies 8. Human disease 9. Pathogenesis 10. Pathology 11. Immunology 12. Laboratory diagnosis of rabies 13. Measures of rabies immunity 14. Human and animal vaccines 15. Next generation of rabies vaccines 16. Public health management of humans at risk 17. Therapy of human rabies 18. Dog rabies and its control 19. Rabies control in wild carnivores 20. Modeling canine rabies virus transmission dynamics 21. Strategies for the elimination of dog-mediated human rabies by 2030 22. Future developments and challenges