Introduction 1Part 1: Quickly into QuickBooks 5Chapter 1: QuickBooks: The Heart of Your Business 7Chapter 2: The Big Setup 17Chapter 3: Populating QuickBooks Lists 35Part 2: Daily Entry Tasks 81Chapter 4: Creating Invoices and Credit Memos 83Chapter 5: Reeling in the Dough 107Chapter 6: Paying the Bills 131Chapter 7: Inventory Magic 155Chapter 8: Keeping Your Checkbook 175Chapter 9: Paying with Plastic 193Part 3: Stuff You Do from Time to Time 203Chapter 10: Printing Checks 205Chapter 11: Payroll 219Chapter 12: Building the Perfect Budget 231Chapter 13: Online with QuickBooks 239Part 4: Housekeeping Chores 249Chapter 14: The Balancing Act 251Chapter 15: Reporting on the State of Affairs 263Chapter 16: Job Estimating, Billing, and Tracking 279Chapter 17: File Management Tips 289Chapter 18: Fixed Assets and Vehicle Lists 303Part 5: The Part of Tens 315Chapter 19: Tips for Handling (Almost) Ten Tricky Situations 317Chapter 20: (Almost) Ten Secret Business Formulas 325Part 6: Appendixes 341Appendix A: Installing QuickBooks in Ten Easy Steps 343Appendix B: If Numbers Are Your Friends 347Appendix C: Sharing QuickBooks Files 365Index 375
Stephen L. Nelson, MBA, CPA, MS in Taxation provides accounting, business advisory, tax planning, and tax preparation services to small businesses. His more than 100 books--including all editions of QuickBooks For Dummies, have sold over 5 million copies.