Ch. 1: Test for Equality of Medians by Series/Group OF VariablesCh. 2: One and Two-Way ANOVA Quantile RegressionsCh. 3: N-Way ANOVA Quantile RegressionsCh. 4: Quantile Regressions Based On (Xi,Yi)Ch. 5: Quantile Regressions with Two Numerical PredictorsCh. 6: Quantile Regressions with Multi Numerical PredictorsCh. 7: Quantile Regressions with the Ranks of Numerical PredictorsCh. 8: Heterogeneous Quantile Regressions based on Experimental DataCh. 9: Quantile Regressions Based On CPS88.wf1Ch.10 : QUANTILE REGRESSIONS OF A LATENT VARIABLEAppendix AAppendix BAppendix CBibliography
I Gusti Ngurah Agung, PhD, The Ary Suta Center, Jakarta, Indonesia. Professor Agung taught at the State University of Makassar from 1960-1987, and at the University of Indonesia from 1987-2018. His research has focused on finding expected or unpredictable statistical results based on various models of time series, cross-section, experimental data, and panel data models. In addition, he is also interested in cross-section data over times and a special or uncommon panel data in indexes.