1: The Quality Approach in Higher Education: Context and Concepts for Change; I: The Context for Change in Business and Industry; 2: The New Productivity Challenge; 3: The Service Imperative; 4: World War II and the Quality Movement; 5: History of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award; II: The Context for Change in Higher Education; 6: The Lattice and the Ratchet; 7: Productivity or Quality? In Search of Higher Education’s Yellow Brick Road; 8: Building Responsive Universities: Some Challenges to Academic Leadership; 9: The Big Questions in Higher Education Today; III: Applying the Quality Approach in Higher Education; 10: TQM; 11: TQM; 12: Defining and Assessing “Quality” in Higher Education; 13: Quality Improvement in Higher Education; 14: What Students Remember: Teaching, Learning, and Human Communication; 15: Universities, Competitiveness, and TQM: A Plan for the Year 2000; 16: Is There Hope for TQM in the Academy?; 17: An American Approach to Quality; 18: Total Quality and the Academy: Problems and Opportunities; 19: Translating Quality for the Academy; Suggested Research, Readings and Resources; 20: Ten Areas for Future Research in Total Quality Management; 21: Selected Readings and Resources in Quality