Introduction Publishing as a Vocation: An Old Profession in a New Technological Era; 1: Technology and Morality in Publishing; 1: Publishing Challenges in the New Century; 2: Technological Rabbits and Communication Turtles; 3: Tripartite Nature of University Presses; 4: Limits of Standardization in Scholarship; 5: Publishing, Property, and Information Structures; 6: Specialization in the Electronic World; 7: Social Science and Scholarly Communication; 8: Open Access and Closed Minds; 2: The Political Economy of Publishing; 9: Professional Ambitions and Public Interests; 10: Formatting Ideology through Tabloid Politics; 11: Scholarly Pornography; 12: Publishing Programs and Political Dilemmas; 13: Political Periodicals in Policy Formation; 14: Monopolization of Publishing and Crisis in Education; 15: Publishing Responses to Economic Crisis; 16: Publishing as a Vocation: The Necessity of Independence