Chapter 1. Public Health Disasters.- Chapter 2. Ebola Viral Outbreaks: A Ubuntuan Ethical Approach.- Chapter 3. Pandemic Influenza: A Comparative Ethical Approach.- Chapter 4. Silent Public Health Disasters: An Anthropo-ecological Approach.- Chapter 5. The Public Health Disasters of Earthquakes: A Solidaristic Approach.- Chapter 6. A Global Ethical Framework for Public Health Disasters.- Chapter 7. Conclusion.
Michael O.S. Afolabi earned a PhD in Healthcare Ethics from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. He has a background in Biomedical sciences (Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Nigeria), Innovation and Economic Development (University of Tampere, Finland), and Clinical Ethics (Providence, USA). Dr. Afolabi combines his expertise in biomedical sciences and public health policy with bioethical rhetoric to pursue and proffer solutions to the ethical dilemmas elicited by individual, social and institutional health issues. His approach to these issues from local and trans-national perspectives make his work very relevant in contemporary global health. He has published a number of research articles in peer-reviewed journals, and has shared some of his insights at academic conferences in Africa, North America, Asia, and Europe.
This book presents the first critical examination of the overlapping ethical and pragmatic issues surrounding disasters, global bioethics, and public health ethics. These issues are elucidated under the rubric: Public health disasters. Drawing on an approach that reckons with microbial, existential and anthropological realities, the book develops a relational framework that can help address the local and transnational dynamics of the ethical issues engendered by public health disasters. The book also charts some of the critical roles that relevant local and transnational stakeholders may play in translating the proposed global ethical framework from the sphere of concept to the arena of action. This title is of immense benefit for bioethics scholars, public and global health policy experts, as well as graduate students working in the area of global health, public health ethics and disaster bioethics.