1. An introduction to psychedelic neuroscience Tanya Calvey and Fleur M. Howells 2. The renaissance in psychedelic research: What do preclinical models have to offer Kevin S. Murnane 3. D-Lysergic acid diethylamide, psilocybin, and other classic hallucinogens: Mechanism of action and potential therapeutic applications in mood disorders Danilo De Gregorio, Justine P. Enns, Nicolas A. Nuñez, Luca Posa and Gabriella Gobbi 4. Common neural signatures of psychedelics: Frequency-specific energy changes and repertoire expansion revealed using connectome-harmonic decomposition Selen Atasoy, Jakub Vohryzek, Gustavo Deco, Robin L. Carhart-Harris and Morten L. Kringelbach 5. A case report SPECT study and theoretical rationale for the sequential administration of ibogaine and 5-MeO-DMT in the treatment of alcohol use disorder Joseph Barsuglia, Martin Polanco, Robert Palmer, Benjamin Malcolm, Benjamin Kelmendi and Tanya Calvey 6. Advances and challenges in neuroimaging studies on the effects of serotonergic hallucinogens: Contributions of the resting brain Felix Müller, Matthias E. Liechti, Undine E. Lang and Stefan Borgwardt 7. Neurocognitive effects of cannabis: Lessons learned from human experimental studies Marco Colizzi and Sagnik Bhattacharyya 8. Ibogaine as a treatment for substance misuse: Potential benefits and practical dangers John Martin Corkery