List of Illustrations Preface to the First Edition Preface to the Second Edition
CHAPTER 1: Why Study Propaganda?
Introduction Definition Two Major Propaganda Theorists: George Orwell and Jacques Ellul Plan of the Book
Chapter 2: History of Propaganda
Introduction Athens Rome The Early Christian Era From the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment The French Revolution and Its Aftermath Later Nineteenth-Century Developments British Propaganda in World War I Leninist Propaganda Nazi Propaganda World War II to the Present Day, In Brief Conclusion
CHAPTER 3: Propaganda Technique: An Analysis
Introduction Overview Devices Involving Language Manipulation Non-Verbal Techniques Conclusion
CHAPTER 4: Ethics and Propaganda
Introduction: What Is Ethics? Ethical Theories The Morality of Lying Misleading without Actually Lying The Ethics of Communication On the Ethics of Propaganda Conclusion: Propaganda and Autonomy
CHAPTER 5: Advertising and Public Relations Ethics
Introduction Advertising Public Relations Ethics Conclusion
CHAPTER 6: Freedom of Expression: Some Classical Arguments
Introduction John Milton John Stuart Mill Modern Communications Media: A Free and Open Encounter? Additional Free Speech Arguments Conclusion
CHAPTER 7: The Question of Controls
Introduction Controls on Hate Propaganda Advertising Government Controls on the Media The Media Controls Itself Government Information Addendum, 2012
CHAPTER 8: Propaganda, Democracy, and the Internet
The Achievements and Promise of the Internet Uncertainties and Negative Features Strategies for Democratizing the Net Propaganda Analysis Conclusion