"In sum, R. has produced a valuable contribution to the study of imperial constitutions, one that cannot be ignored by anyone working with the CTh. The author deserves praise for his willingness to produce this piece of academic slow food, on which he spent 10 years, in the current academic climate. Given his methodical approach, it is to be hoped that we will hear more from R. about imperial law and the CTh. in the future." Mattijs Wibier, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte "R.'s writing is clear and should be accessible to foreign scholars with a reading knowledge of German [...] His knowledge of Latin is strong, and he has engaged deeply in late Roman law (and the scholarly literature). [...] There is much that is useful and provocative within this large volume, and I enjoyed reading it and feel it should be acquired by major university research libraries." Robert M. Frakes, Scripta Classica "Overall, R.'s study is an amazing 'Fundgrube' for anyone interested in late antique law with a particular curiosity about imperial legal dealings with heretical groups. R. offers meticulous analyses of the laws which quite often bring out elements that scholarship so far has not realized, which is a wonderful accomplishment. Furthermore, R. is also to be praised for the extensive and valuable cross references throughout the entire book which yet again demonstrate the intricacies of late antique law, which call for our continued and perhaps in some cases renewed attention." Danielle Slootjes, Roman Legal Tradition