"The book is well written, excellently structured, and can be easily read by nanophotonics graduate students. In addition, each chapter can form the basis for a seminar course or independent study. I recommend this wonderful book to readers without hesitation." (Christian Brosseau, Optics & Photonics News, osa-opn.org, April 25, 2019)
1. Historical review: Classical and quantum theories for dressed photons
2. Response function theory for dressed photons
3. Virtual photon model by spatio-temporal eddy dynamics
4. Dressed photons, anti-sin law, and quantum walk
5. Approach from measurement theory to dressed photons
6. Dressed photons as quantum fields: Characterization in a momentum space
Takashi Yatsui received his B.E. degree from Keio University, Tokyo, Japan in 1995 and M.E. and D.E. degrees from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan in 1997 and 2000, respectively.
From 1999 to 2000, he was a Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. From 2000 to 2008, he was a Researcher at the Japan Science and Technology Agency, Tokyo. In 2008, he joined the University of Tokyo as an Associate Professor. His current research interests include nanofabrication using optical near-field and its application to nanophotonics.
Dr. Yatsui received 1st prize in Paper Contest from IEEE Student Branch at Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1998, Excellent Research Presentation award from the Japan Society of Applied Physics in 2000, Tejima Doctoral Dissertation Award from the Tejima Foundation in 2001, the Gottfried Wagener Prize 2010, Osaka University Kondo Prize 2012, and Erlangen Innovation Award Optical Technologies 2012.
This book presents important topics in nanophotonics in review-style chapters written by world leading scientists. The book sketches the history of dressed photon science and technology and explains why advanced theories of dressed photons are required. To meet this requirement, the recent results of theoretical studies and the theory of dressed photons are displayed by modifying the conventional electromagnetic theory. The classical theoretical model of spatiotemporal vortex dynamics is explained by treating the dressed photon as a space-like virtual photon. Also discussed in the book is the energy transfer of dressed photons, based on a quantum walk model and a quantum mechanical measurement process of dressed photons for connecting the nano- and macro-systems. Dressed photons are explained as quantum fields by characterizing them in momentum space.