The Calculation of Nucleon Cascades in Nuclei by the Monte-Carlo Method.- Beam Behavior in a Sector Cyclotron.- 1. Harmonic Analysis of the Magnetic Field.- 2. Determination of Equilibrium Orbits.- 3. Orbit Stability, Betatron Oscillations.- 4. Analysis of Vertical Motion.- 5. The Calculation of Trajectories for Ion Drift in an Inhomogeneous Magnetic Field.- Literature Cited.- Vassal (Automatic Memory Allocation System).- 1. Input Language for the Vassal Translator.- 2. Some Remarks on Programming in Vassal.- 3. Translator Operation.- 4. Rules for Pending Vassal Program.- Literature Cited.- Determination of Reactions Cross Sections from Counter-Telescope Data.- I. Relation Between the Output and the Cross Section.- 1. Formulation of Experiment. Definitions.- 2. Calculation of the Cross Section from the Output without Correction for Multiple Scattering.- 3. Multiple Scattering.- II. Calculation of the Output in the Case of the Compton Effect and the Photoproduction of Neutral Mesons on Hydrogen.- 1. Definitions and Additional Restrictions.- 2. Evaluation of the Multiple Integral.- 3. Analysis of the Output Integrand.- 4. Determination of the Range of Integration for the Entire Integrand.- III. Program for Calculations on the M-20 Computer.- 1. Description of Program.- 2. Program Checks.- 3. Conclusions.- Literature Cited.- Typical and Atypical Failures of the General-Purpose Computer M-20, Methods of Localization and Elimination.- I. Failure Detection from the Control Console.- 1. Tests and Test Problems.- 2. Fault Analysis in the Execution of Individual Instructions.- II. Failure Detection by Technical Means.- 1. Choice of Synchronization Method for the Localization of Intermittent Failures.- 2. Utilization of Auxiliary Circuits for the Localization of Transient Failures.- 3. Preventive Maintenance.- III. Typical Failures of the Basic Devices on M-20.- 1. Typical Failures of CM and Their Elimination.- 2. Typical Failures in Backup Storage (Magnetic Drums and Tapes) and Their Control Circuits.- 3. Typical Failures in the Arithmetic Unit.- 4. Control Unit and Its Typical Failures.- IV. Examples of Atypical Failures in M-20.- 1. Failures in CM.- 2. Failures in AU.- 3. Failures in CU.- 4. Failures in the Input-Output Devices.- V. Certain Questions of Improving the Machine During Its Exploitation.- 1. Reinforcement of Weak and Most Heavily Loaded Circuits and Suppression of Oscillations.- 2. Reduction of the Execution Time of Certain Operations.- 3. Other Changes in the Circuits of M-20.- Literature Cited.- Some Problems in Analyzing the Dynamic Structure of an Object from the Steady-State Signal.- 1. Inverse Analysis Problems.- 2. Statement of the Problem.- 3. Method of Obtaining the Dynamic Operator.- 4. Region of Application of Method.- 5. Comments.- Literature Cited.