I Clinical Overview 1 Management of Complications of Aesthetic Eyelid Procedures 2 Evaluation of the Eyelid
II General 3 General: Clinical Overview 4 Retrobulbar Hemorrhage 5 Periocular Infection 6 Blindness with Blepharoplasty and Injectables 7 Ocular Motility Disorders
III Upper Eyelid 8 Upper Eyelid: Clinical Overview 9 Scars 10 The Eyelid Crease 11 Upper Eyelid Crease Malposition 12 Postblepharoplasty Ptosis 13 Full-Thickness Eyelid Resection in the Treatment of Secondary Ptosis 14 The Missed Ptosis in Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty 15 Postblepharoplasty Lagophthalmos 16 Correction of Upper Blepharoplasty Overresection 17 Upper Blepharoplasty Overresection 18 Underresection of Skin and Fat in Blepharoplasty 19 Coronal Foreheadplasty Improves Periorbital Appearance and Rejuvenation Not Achieved by Facial and Eyelidplasties Alone
IV Chemosis 20 Chemosis: Clinical Overview 21 Chemosis in the Aesthetic Surgery Setting
V Lower Lid 22 Lower Lid: Clinical Overview 23 The Dry Eye 24 Prevention and Treatment of Irregularities of the Lower Eyelids following Fat Grafts 25 Autogenous Tissue Augmentation: Lower Eyelid Malposition 26 Lower Eyelid Malposition following Aesthetic Surgery 27 Round Eye Deformity 28 Lateral Canthoplasty: Lateral Canthal Tendon Tightening and Malar Fat Pad Elevation (Mini-Cheek Lift) 29 Treatment of Vertical Lower Lid Restriction with Spacers 30 Trauma-Related Lower Eyelid Retraction 31 Lower Lid Retraction 32 Recurrent Lower Eyelid Ectropion: Mastering the Sling Technique 33 Cicatricial Ectropion 34 The Spectrum of Postblepharoplasty Lower Eyelid Retraction (PBLER) Repair
VI Filler Problems 35 Filler Problems: Clinical Overview 36 Complications of Periocular Injection: Nodules and Edema 37 Filler Problems 38 Filler Problems: Vascular Complications
VII Resurfacing Complications 39 Resurfacing Complications: Clinical Overview 40 Laser Resurfacing Burn to the Lower Lid
VIII Epiphora 41 Epiphora: Clinical Overview 42 Epiphora
Video Contents Video 4.1 Canthotomy Cantholysis Video 10.1 Eyelid Crease Video 11.1 Revisional Asian Bleph 28F, prefer nasally-tapered crease, and medium crease height Video 21.1 "Snipping" to treat chemosis (Reused with permission from Clinton D. McCord, MD Peter Kreymerman, MD Foad Nahai, MD Joseph D. Walrath, MD. Management of Postblepharoplasty Chemosis. Aesthetic Surgery Journal; 33(5): 2013:654–661) Video 27.1 Lower lid blepharoplasty approach with drill hole cantopexy for correction of round eye deformity Video 28.1 Canthotomy for repair of lower eyelid retraction Video 28.2 Elevation of the midface via resuspension of the orbitomalar ligament (suborbicularis oculi fat lift) Video 37.1 Dissolving intravascular hyaluronic acid with hyaluronidase Video 37.2 Removal of permanent filler with naked optic fiber diode laser (Video courtesy of Daniel Cassuto, MD) Video 37.3 Outcome of fillers injected above and below the orbitomalar ligament