Privacy and Identity Management. Time for a Revolution?: 10th Ifip Wg 9.2, 9.5, 9.6/11.7, 11.4, 11.6/Sig 9.2.2 International Summer School, Edinburgh, » książka
Modelling the Relationship between Privacy and Security Perceptions
and the Acceptance of Surveillance Practices.- The US Privacy Strategy.- Smart Society: Collaboration between Humans and Machines, Promises and Perils.- An Experience with a De-identifying Task to Inform about Privacy Issues.-
A4CloudWorkshop: Accountability in the Cloud.- Signatures for Privacy, Trust and Accountability in the Cloud: Applications and Requirements.- Report on the Workshop on Assessing the Maturity of Privacy Enhancing Technologies.- Smart Technologies: Workshop on Challenges and Trends for Privacy in a Hyper-connected World.- Privacy Pattern Catalogue: A Tool for Integrating Privacy Principles
of ISO/IEC 29100 into the Software Development Process.- Developing a Structured Metric to Measure Privacy Risk in Privacy Impact Assessments.- Accountability in the EU Data Protection Reform - Moving from Theory to Practice.- Towards Authenticity and Privacy Preserving Accountable Workflows.- A Technique for Enhanced Provision of Appropriate Access to Evidence across Service Provision Chains.- Evidence-Based Security and Privacy Assurance in Cloud Ecosystems.-
Enhanced Assurance about Cloud Service Provision Promises.- ALOC: Attribute Level of Confidence for a User-Centric Attribute Assurance.- Identity Theft through e-Government Services: Government to Pay the Bill?.- "All Your Data Are Belong to Us
". European Perspectives on Privacy Issues in Free Online Machine Translation Services.- Identification of Online Gamblers in the EU: A Two-Edged Sword.- Can Courts Provide Effective Remedies against Violations of Fundamental Rights by Mass Surveillance? The Case of the United Kingdom.- Automated Log Audits for Privacy Compliance Validation: A Literature Survey.- Privacy-Preserving Access Control in Publicly Readable Storage Systems.- Ontology-Based Obfuscation and Anonymisation for Privacy - A Case Study on Healthcare.
Editors: David Aspinall, University of Edinburgh, UK; Jan Camenisch, IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland; Marit Hansen, Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany; Simone Fischer-Hübner, Karlstad University, Sweden; Charles Raab, University of Edinburgh, UK