1. Introduction2. Theories and definitions of tumors3. Etio-pathogenesis of tumors4. Growth of cells, growth factors and oncogenes5. Hereditary Predispositions to Tumors, Tumor Suppressor Genes, and their Clinico-Genomic Complexities6. The tumor types: the complexities in the combinations and variabilities of their traits7. Epidemiology of Tumors8. Aspects of the prevention of tumors9. Clinical features of tumors 10. Morphologic assessment of cases of tumors11. Endoscopic Visualisation and Imaging in Diagnosis and Assessments of cases of Tumors12. Principles of surgery for tumors13. Principles of non-surgical therapies14. Aspects of radiation therapy15. Specific aspects of cytotoxic and hormonal drug therapies16. Immunological therapies17. Gene Therapies not Related to Immunological Therapies18. Other Therapies19. Care after primary treatment20. Costs, ethics and Malpractice Litigation
Appendix1. Principles of normal histology and related cell biology2. The normal genome3. Fixed Genomic Events and Possible Mechanisms of their Causation by Etiological Agents4. Genomic instabilities in Tumor Cells and the Immortality of Tumor Cell Populations5. Methods in Histologic and Molecular Assessments of Tumors6. Biomarkers in Epidemiology, Molecular Pathology and Oncology7. Sub-lethal injuries and deaths of cells and tissues8. Pretarget, Target and Recovery Defences of Cells Against Carcinogens and Cytotoxic Agents9. Developing New Therapies
Dr. Leon Bignold teaches pathology to medical undergraduates and post graduates and has for the last 30 years. He also works as a diagnostic histopathologist in a hospital environment for the last 30 years. He has published 3 oncology books with Springer in the last 10 years. Leon Bignold is a regularly invited speaker at international oncology conferences.