Implementation of Real Data for Financial Market Simulation using Clustering, Deep Learning, and Artificial Financial Market.- Hybrid Dynamic Programming for Simultaneous Coalition Structure Generation and Assignment.- A Socio-Psychological Approach To Simulate Trust and Reputation in Modal Choices.- Reasoning about Trustworthiness in Cyber-Physical Systems Using Ontology-Based Representation and ASP.- Optimal Deterministic Time-based Policy in Automated Negotiation.-
Agent Simulation of Collision Avoidance based on Meta-Strategy Model.- The Smart Appliance Scheduling Problem: A Bayesian Optimization Approach.- Distance-based Heuristic Solvers for Cooperative Path Planning with Heterogeneous Agents.-
Policy Advisory Module for Exploration Hindrance Problem in Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning.- Analysis of Coordination Structures of Partially Observing Cooperative Agents by Multi-Agent Deep Q-Learning.- Policy Adaptive Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient.- Multi-Agent Planning with High-Level Human Guidance.- Preference Elicitation in Assumption-Based Argumentation.- Declarative Preferences in Reactive BDI Agents.- Predicting the Priority of Social Situations for Personal Assistant Agents.- Mutex Propagation for SAT-based Multi-Agent Path Finding.- A SMT-based Implementation for Safety Checking of Parameterized Multi-Agent Systems.- A Goal-Based Framework For Supporting Medical Assistance: The Case of Chronic Diseases.- Optimal Control of Pedestrian Flows by Congestion Forecasts Satisfying User Equilibrium Conditions.- Automated Negotiation Mechanism and Strategy for Compensational Vehicular Platooning.- A Cognitive Agent Framework in Information Retrieval: Using User Beliefs to Customize Results.- Deep Reinforcement Learning for Pedestrian Guidance.- NegMAS: A platform for automated negotiations.- Simulation of Unintentional Collusion Caused by Auto Pricing in Supply Chain Markets.- Construct an Artificial Population with Urban and Rural Population Differences Considered: to support long-term care system evaluation by agent-based simulation.- Multi-Agent Path Finding with Destination Choice.-
Abductive Design of BDI Agent-based Digital Twins of Organizations.- Beliefs, Time and Space: A Language for the Ykai Board Game.- Argumentation-based Explanations of Multimorbidity Treatment Plans.- The Persistence of False Memory: Brain in a Vat despite Perfect Clocks.- Box-Office Prediction Based on Essential Features Extracted from Agent-Based Modeling.- Short Duration Aggregate Statistical Model Checking for Multi-Agent Systems.