ISBN-13: 9780470092286 / Angielski / Miękka / 2005 / 496 str.
ISBN-13: 9780470092286 / Angielski / Miękka / 2005 / 496 str.
The prevention of harm from drug use, both legal and illegal, is a major concern to government departments and clinicians throughout the world. Recently, much new research has been conducted regarding global levels and patterns of drug-related harm, on common risk factors with other social problems (e.g. mental health, crime) and on the effectiveness of wide range of intervention strategies. There is a need to summarise and synthesise this new knowledge for use in a range of disciplines. Preventing Harmful Substance Use offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date advice available on the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse. Contributors provide authoritative, science-based reviews of knowledge on their areas of expertise, and make clear recommendations for the future of prevention policy and practice. A final section draws the work together and offers a framework for an integrated science of prevention.
"...recommend this volume to anyone with an interest in preventing...substance abuse." ( Addiction, June 2006)
About the Editors.
1.1 Preventing Risky Drug Use and Related Harms: The Need For a Synthesis of New Knowledge (Tim Stockwell, Paul Gruenewald, John Toumbourou and Wendy Loxley).
2.1 Introduction and Overview (Tim Stockwell).
2.2 The Global Burden of Disease Attributable to Alcohol, Tobacco and Illicit Drugs (Juergen Rehm, Switzerland and Robin Room).
2.3 Substance Use and Mental Health in Longitudinal Perspective Marree Teesson, Louisa Degenhardt, Wayne Hall, Michael Lynskey, John Toumbourou and George Patton).
2.4 Predicting Developmentally Harmful Substance Use (John Toumbourou and Richard F. Catalano).
2.5 Population Ecologies of Drug Use, Drinking and Related Problems (Elizabeth LaScala, Bridget Freisthler and Paul Gruenewald).
3.1 Introduction (John Toumbourou).
3.2 What Do We Know About Preventing Drug–Related Harm Through Social Developmental Intervention with Children and Young People (John Toumbourou, Jo Williams, Elizabeth Waters and George Patton).
3.3 The Evidence Base For School Drug Education Interventions 9Nyanda McBride).
3.4 Alcohol Policy and Youth Drinking: Overview of Effective Interventions For Young People (Joel Grube and Peter Nygaard).
3.5 Testing a Community Prevention Focused Model of Coalition Functioning and Sustainability: A Comprehensive Study of Communities That Care in Pennsylvania (Mark Greenberg, Mark Feinberg, Brendan Gomez and Wayne Osgood).
4.1 Introduction (Paul Gruenewald).
4.2 Community Systems and Ecologies of Drug and Alcohol Problems (Harold Holder, Andrew Treno and David Levy).
4.3 Violence Prevention in Licensed Premises (Ben Haines, Australia and Kate Graham).
4.4 Application of Evidence–Based Approaches to Community Interventions Andrew Treno, Juliet Lee, Bridget Freisthler, Lillian Remer and Paul Gruenewald).
4.5 Preventing Alcohol and Other Drugs in the Workplace (Richard Midford, Fredrik Welande and Steve Allsop).
4.6 Effects of a Community Action Program on Problems Related to Alcohol Consumption at Licensed Premises (Eva Wallin And Sven Andreasson).
4.7 Strategies For Community–Based Drug Law Enforcement: From Prohibition To Harm Reduction (Chris Canty, Adam Sutton And Steve James).
5.1 Introduction: Summary and Recommendations (Wendy Loxley).
5.2 Regulating Tobacco to Minimise Harms (Jonathan Liberman and Ron Borland).
5.3 Intelligence–Led Regulation of Licensed Premises (Neil Donnelly and Suzanne Briscoe).
5.4 Deterrence Theory and the Limitations of Criminal Penalties for Cannabis Use (Simon Lenton).
5.5 Interventions For Illicit Drug Users within the Criminal Justice System: A Review of Some Programs in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States (Wendy Loxley).
5.6 Social Ecology and the Invention of New Regulatory Strategies For Preventing Drug and Alcohol Problems (Bridget Freisthler and Paul J. Gruenewald).
6.1 Introduction (Paul Gruenewald).
6.2 What is "Evidence," and Can We Provide It? (Bob Saltz).
6.3 US Policy on Illegal Drugs: What We Don′t Know Keeps Hurting Us A Perspective On Future Research Needs (James C. Anthony).
6.4 Preventing Tobacco Use and Harm: What Is Evidence–Based Policy? (Sandra Younie, Michelle Scollo, David Hill and Ron Borla).nd
6.5 Moving Toward a Common Evidence Base For Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Policy (Harold Holder and Andrew Treno).
6.6 The Evidence Base For Preventing the Spread of Blood–Borne Diseases Within and From Populations of Injecting Drug Users (Marcia Russell and Susan Carruthers).
6.7 The Evidence Base For Responding to Substance Misuse in Indigenous Minority Populations (Dennis Gray and Sherry Saggers).
7.1 Introduction (Tim Stockwell).
7.2 Investing For Cost–Effectiveness in the Face of Uncertainty: Applying Financial Portfolio Optimization to Prevention Programming (Jonathan Caulkins).
7.3 How Should Governments Spend the Drug Prevention Dollar: A Buyer′s Guide (Ted Miller, USA and Delia Hendrie).
7.4 Key Moments in the Ethnography Of Drug–Related Harm: Reality Checks for Policy Makers? (David Moore).
7.5 Recommendations For New Directions in the Prevention of Risky Substance Use and Related Harms (Tim Stockwell, Paul Gruenewald, John Toumbourou and Wendy Loxley).
Paul J. Gruenewald is a Senior Research Scientists and Scientific Director of Prevention Research Center (PRC) in Berkeley, California, a division of the US–based Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE). Research at PIRE is funded by grants and contracts from the National Institutes of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, and other national, state, local and private funding agencies. Dr Gruenewald is Principal Investigator of a Center grant funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to study "Environmental Approaches to Prevention" (P60–AA906282) and a Merit award recipient for his studies of "Alcohol Outlets and Violence" (R37–AA912927). He is currently also Director of the PIRE–based Spatial Systems Group, a group that focuses on ecological studies of alcohol–and drug–related problems. He has published widely in the areas of alcohol policy and community prevention. He is well known for his application of rigorous mathematical and statistical approaches to the analysis of community level problems related to alcohol use, drugs and crime.
Wendy Loxley is an Associate Professor at the National Drug Research Institute, at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Western Australia, where she has been employed for fifteen years. Much of her early research career was concerned with addressing the risk of blood–borne viruses to Australian injecting drug users, and she has been involved in a number of large quantitative and smaller qualitative studies exploring this issue. Other research experiences include monitoring illicit drug use among police detainees, the evaluation of community–based approaches to drug law enforcement, and the use of testing and vaccination to prevent hepatitis C and other blood–borne viruses among injectors. She was selected by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing to lead the evaluation of the Community Partnerships Initiative which was aimed at the development of community–based approaches to primary prevention of illicit drug use in young people. More recently, she was the first principal investigator on a commission for the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing which undertook a major literature review of the evidence relating to the prevention of drug use, risk and harm in Australia, She is the first author of the two volumes–Monograph and Summary–which have recently been published from this work.
Tim Stockwell is currently Director of the Centre for Addictions Research of BC, Canada, and, until mid–2004, was Director of Australia′s National Drug Research Institute based at Curtin University in Western Australia. He recently co–edited the critically acclaimed Wiley book International Handbook of Alcohol Dependence and Problems with Nick Heather and Tim Peters. he has published widely in the field of addiction studies and has particular expertise in the areas of alcohol and other drug epidemiology and prevention policy. He was Regional Editor for Australasia of the International Journal Addiction for six years. He was until recently a member of Australia′s National Expert Advisory Committee on Alcohol, a Director of Australia′s Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation and member of the World Health Organization′s Alcohol Policy and Strategy Advisory Committee. He obtained his first degree in Psychology and Philosophy at Oxford University, a Master′s degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Surrey and a doctorate at the Institute of Psychiatry, the University of London.
John Winston Toumbourou is Associate Professor at the Department of Pediatrics, University of Melbourne, and a Senior Researcher at the Center for Adolescent Health, within the Murdoch Children′s Research Institute. John is a founding member and the past Chair of the College of Health Psychologists within the Australian Psychological Society. He is a Principal Investigator on a number of studies investigating healthy youth development, including the Australian Temperament Project (investigating the role of childhood temperament and behaviour in the prediction of adolescent substance use, delinquency and depression), and the International Youth Development study (a collaborative longitudinal study with the Social Development Research Group at the University of Washington). John has been involved in the development of a number of youth health promotion programmes including the Chronic Illness Peer Support Program ( Victorian Public Health Award 1999), the Behaviour Exchange Systems Training Program (targeting families experiencing youth substance abuse), Program for Parents (a national youth suicide prevention programme demonstrating success in reducing early youth delinquency and substance use) and Communities that Care (a community mobilisation programme targeting crime prevention and substance abuse Prevention). John has been prominent in developing literat5ure reviews and policy recommendations relevant to developmental prevention through the Victorian Premier′s Drug Prevention Council Drug Info Clearinghouse and within the consortium that produced the recent Prevention Monograph summarising the evidence base for the Australian Commonwealth Government′s Prevention Agenda.
Tobacco, alcohol and other drug misuse accounts for a quarter of preventable death and disability in the developed world.
Preventing Harmful Substance Use: The evidence base for policy and practice offers a comprehensive summary of the best available scientific evidence for the prevention of harm from substance use. The editors provide a broad view of what constitutes prevention; including multiple approaches across various settings and levels of society. Each chapter provides important recommendations for supply, demand and harm reduction strategies that will improve the health of communities throughout the world.
A multidisciplinary team of leading international researchers and practitioners have worked together to provide authoritative accounts of their areas of expertise, which include the following:
Preventing Harmful Substance Use will have international appeal to policy makers, educators, health professionals and researchers in psychology, psychiatry, sociology, criminology, economics, addiction, and health promotion.
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