1. Introduction: A European History of Provincial Administrations; Pierre Karila-Cohen.- 2. Governors, Governors General and Viceroys in the Russian Empire, 1700-1855; John LeDonne.- 3. From Gouverneur to Statthalter: The Highest Civil Servants of the Austrian Monarchy; Waltraud Heindi.- 4. A French Commentary on the Historiography of German Civil Servants in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries; Marie-Bénédicte Vincent.- 5. Governors and Commissioners of the King in the Netherlands, c. 1800-1900; Martijn van der Burg.- 6. French Préfets and Authority in Nineteenth-century France: Current Knowledge and Research Opportunities; Pierre Karila-Cohen and Gildas Tanguy.- 7. The History of the Italian Prefect: An Interpretational Perspective for a Long Period Analysis, 1800s-1900s; Livio Antonielli.- 8. The Civil Governor in Spain in the Nineteenth Century: Between Centralisation and Militarisation; Manel Risques Corbella.- 9. The Governors of the Late Ottoman Empire; Abdulhamid Kirmizi.- 10. Government without Prefects: The UK's Alternative Model; Joanna Innes.- 11. Conclusion.
Pierre Karila-Cohen is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Rennes 2, France. He specialises in the cultural, social, and political history of France and has published several books and articles on the historical ethnology of the state and its servants.