2.Are you ready for servitization? A tool to measure servitization capacity
Coreynen, Matthyssens & Gebauer
3.Measuring servitization Maheepala, Warnakulasooriya, Weerakoon Banda
PART II Servitization strategies and business models
4.Business models in Servitization
Huikkola & Kohtamäki
5.Value constellations in servitization
Brax & Visintin
6.Business model innovation: a process model and toolset for servitizing industrial firms
Adrodegari, Saccani, Perona & Agirregomezkorta
7.Servitization through product Modularization in consumer goods manufacturing companies Freije, De la Calle & Larrinaga
8.Value-Scope-Price: design and pricing of advanced Service offerings based on customer value
West, Rohner, Kujawski & Rapaccini
PART III. Implementing servitization
9.Servitization Challenges Overcoming the challenges of servitization: Aligning responses to service strategy
Raddats, Burton, Zolkiewski & Story
10.Paradoxes in servitization
Kohtamäki, Rabetino & Einola
11.Implementing servitization strategies: Trajectories of capability development and offering of
Basic and Advanced Services
Sousa & da Silveira
12.Unboxing the key human competencies for successful servitization
13.BI-in-practice: A look at how BI enacts framing contests and affects the service transition path Talaoui
14.Managing risks for Product-service systems (PSS) provision: Introducing a practical decision tool for Risk Management
Reim, Parida & Sjödin
PART IV Solution sales and co-creation in servitization
15.Selling solutions by selling value
16.The virtue of customizing solutions: A managerial framework
Jagstedt, Hedvall & Persson
17.Servitization practices: A co-creation taxonomy
Carlborg, Kindström, & Kowalkowski
PART V Service ecosystems and service supply chain
18.To servitize is to reposition: Utilizing a Porterian view to understand servitization and value systems
Rabetino & Kohtamäki
19.Enterprise imaging: Picturing the service value system
20.Ecosystems innovation for service development
West, Müller-Csernetzky & Huonder
21.Service supply chain design by using agent based simulation
Helo, Rouzafzoon & Gunasekaran
22.Servitization in the public sector: A framework for energy service companies
Peñate-Valentín, Pereira & Sánchez-Carreira
Marko Kohtamäki is Professor of Strategy and Director of the Networked Value Systems research program at the University of Vaasa, Finland and Visiting Professor in the Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.
Tim Baines is Director of the Advanced Services Group at Aston Business School, UK and the leading international authority on servitization.
Rodrigo Rabetino is Assistant Professor of Strategy in the Department of Management and a researcher in the Networked Value Systems research group at the University of Vaasa, Finland.
Ali Z. Bigdeli is a senior research fellow at the Advanced Services Group at Aston Business School, UK.
This edited book intends to provide knowledge on tools and practices of servitization to facilitate the formulation and implementation of servitization-based strategies, service infusion and manufacturing service transition globally. Including 22 practically relevant contributions, this book aims to help scholars and practitioners seeking to facilitate servitization in companies through original perspectives and advanced thinking in related issues such as business models, strategic change, practices, processes, routines, value creation and appropriation. Employing practice theory as a useful frame, the contributions span theoretical approaches such as product-service systems, service science, services-dominant logic and cocreation, resource-based views, industrial organization and institutional theory. The book presents tools and frameworks to enable and support servitization and engender understanding of servitization-as-practice.