Chapter 1 title: Introduction to Wireless Sensor Network
Chapter Goal: to introduce to Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and to prepare development environment
• 1.1 Introduction to Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)
• 1.2 Introduction to Contiki-NG
• 1.3 Review WSN Hardware for Contiki-NG
• 1.4 Set up Development Environment for Contiki-NG
• 1.5 Contiki-NG Simulator
• 1.6 Contiki-NG and Raspberry Pi
• 1.7 Hello World Application for Contiki-NG
Chapter 2 title: Basic Contiki-NG Programming
Chapter Goal: to introduce how to write programs for Contiki-NG platform
• 2.1 Contiki-NG Programming Model
• 2.2 Contiki-NG Coding Conventions
• 2.3 Programming Syntax for Contiki-NG
• 2.4 Demo: Building Contiki-NG Application
Chapter 3 title: Concurrency
Chapter Goal: build concurrency program-based Contiki-NG to perform many tasks
• 3.1 Introduction to Concurrency
• 3.2 Concurrency Approach in Contiki-NG
• 3.3 Processes
• 3.4 Timers
• 3.5 Threading
• 3.6 Task Scheduling
Chapter 4 title: Contiki-NG and Computer Communication
Chapter Goal: To establish a communication between Contiki-NG motes and computer and to exchange data among their entities
• 4.1 Communication Models for Contiki-NG
• 4.2 Serial Communication
• 4.3 IP-Based Communication
• 4.4 Demo: Build a Communication Between Contiki-NG Mote and Computer
o 4.4.1 Architecture
o 4.4.2 Implementation
o 4.4.3 Testing
• 4.5 Build Your Own Simple Middleware for Contiki-NG
o 4.5.1 What is a Middleware?
o 4.5.2 Middleware Architecture for Contiki-NG
o 4.5.3 Implementation
o 5.5.4 Testing
Chapter 5 title: Sensing and Actuating
Chapter Goal: to build Contiki-NG program to perform sensing and actuating
• 5.1 What is Sensing and Actuating
• 5.2 Review Sensor and Actuator Devices
• 5.3 Contiki-NG Sensing Project
o 5.3.1 Reading data from Sensor Devices
o 5.3.2 Wiring
o 5.3.3 Develop Contiki-NG Application
o 5.3.4 Testing
• 5.4 Contiki-NG Actuating Project
o 5.4.1 LED Controller Device
o 5.4.2 Wiring
o 5.4.3 Develop Contiki-NG Application
o 5.4.4 Testing
Chapter 6 title: Networking
Chapter Goal: to develop Contiki-NG program with utilizing Network stacks
• 6.1 Networking in Contiki-NG
• 6.2 IP-Based Networking
• 6.3 Single-hop Networking
• 6.4 Multi-hop Networking
• 6.5 6LoWPAN Network
• 6.6 Build Your Own RESTful Server for Contiki-NG
o 6.4.1 Preparation
o 6.4.2 Wiring
o 6.4.3 Implementation
o 6.4.4 Testing
Chapter 7 title: Storage
Chapter Goal: to work with local and remote storage in Contiki-NG
• 7.1 Storage Models in Contiki-NG
• 7.2 Working with Local Storage
• 7.3 Working with Remote Storage
• 7.4 Demo: Saving Sensing Data Into MySQL
o 7.4.1 Preparation
o 7.4.2 Wiring
o 7.4.3 Develop Contiki-NG Application
o 7.4.4 Testing
Chapter 8 title: Contiki-NG and Cloud Server
Chapter Goal: to connect Contiki-NG to cloud servers.
• 8.1 Introduction to Cloud Servers
• 8.2 Review Cloud Server Platforms
• 8.3 Connecting Contiki-NG Motes to Cloud Servers
• 8.4 Build Your Own IoT using Contiki-NG
o 8.4.1 Preparation
o 8.4.2 Wiring
o 8.4.3 Develop Application
o 8.4.4 Testing
Agus Kurniawan is a lecturer, IT consultant, and author. He has 15 years of experience on various software and hardware development projects, delivering materials in training and workshops, and technical writing. He has been awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award 13 years in a row.
Agus is currently researching and teaching in the field of networking and security systems at the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia and Samsung R&D Institute, Indonesia. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in computer science at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. He can be reached on Twitter at @agusk2010.
Explore how to develop and implement wireless server networks (WSN) using Contiki-NG, branded as the operating system for the IoT. The book explains Contiki-NG’s advantages in sensing, communication, and energy optimization and enables you to begin solving problems in automation with WSN.
Practical Contiki-NG is a guide to getting started with Contiki-NG programming featuring projects that demonstrate a variety of applications. This book takes a practical and content-driven approach to the latest technologies, including Raspberry Pi, IoT and cloud servers. Readers will go through step-by-step guides and sample scenarios such as sensing, actuating, connectivity, building middleware, and utilizing IoT and cloud-based technologies.
If you're looking to go from zero to hero in using Contiki-NG to build Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications then this is the book for you.