5. Portrait Galleries for the House of Habsburg in the Low Countries. Margaret of Austria in Mechelen and Mary of Hungary in Brussels.
Dagmar Eichberger
6. Captive in a portrait gallery: Titian’s portraits of John Frederick I of Saxony (c.1548 and c.1551) and the collection of Mary of Austria, Queen of Hungary.
M. José Rodríguez Salgado
7. ‘So they may beseech God on his behalf.’ Devotion, courtly pomp and dynastic presence in the portrait collections of Juana of Austria, Princess of Portugal, and Maria of Austria in the Monastery of Las Descalzas Reales in Madrid.
Fernando Checa Cremades
8. The portrait gallery of Mencía de Mendoza, Marquise of Zenete.
Miguel Falomir Faus and Noelia García Pérez
9. Maria de Mendoza, portraits and the negotiation of memory: the display of her painting collection in the Cobos-Mendoza palace in Valladolid.
Sergio Ramiro Ramírez
Noelia García Pérez is Associate Professor of Art History at the University of Murcia, Spain.