Introduction 1Part 1: Understanding Political Science 5Chapter 1: Discovering the Discipline of Political Science 7Chapter 2: Shaping Research in Political Science: Looking at Major Approaches 19Chapter 3: Dealing with Political Culture 31Part 2: Comparing Governments 47Chapter 4: Discussing Different Forms of Government 49Chapter 5: Setting the Rules: Constitutions 63Chapter 6: Comparing Political Institutions: Systems of Government 79Chapter 7: Elections, Political Parties, and Interest Groups 95Part 3: Going Global: International Relations 113Chapter 8: Thinking Globally: The Study of International Relations 115Chapter 9: Creating Some Order: International Law and Diplomacy 131Chapter 10: Creating Order through International Organizations 145Chapter 11: Not Going to War: The Cold War 1946-1991 163Chapter 12: Dealing with Political Violence: War and Terrorism 181Chapter 13: Mixing Disciplines: International Political Economy 195Part 4: Going from Classical to Modern Political Ideologies 215Chapter 14: Starting in Greece: The Roots of Political Science 217Chapter 15: Going Modern: Middle Ages to the Present 229Chapter 16: Moving to the Right: Fascism, Neofascism, and Right-Wing Populism 251Chapter 17: Going Left: Communism, Socialism, and Social Democracy 271Part 5: The Part of Tens 287Chapter 18: Ten Political Science Books Everyone Should Read 289Chapter 19: Ten Modern Political Scientists 297Index 303
Marcus A. Stadelmann, PhD, is a professor of political science and chair of the Department of Political Science and History at the University of Texas at Tyler. Along with teaching at universities in California, Utah, and Texas, Dr. Stadelmann has published and given presentations in the fields of American politics and international relations.