ISBN-13: 9781421554068 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 192 str.
Awesome adventures inspired by the best-selling Pokemon Diamond and Pearl and Pokemon Platinum video games
All your favorite Pokemon game characters jump out of the screen into the pages of this action-packed manga
Finally together again, Dia, Pearl, and Platinum must battle Legendary Pokemon Dialga and Palkia, who are being controlled by Cyrus, the powerful boss of Team Galactic Then a new Legendary Pokemon leaps into the fray Whose side is it on...? And who will rescue Platinum's hapless bodyguards from the mysterious Distortion World they've been banished to...? Plus, hang with Lopunny, Claydol and Ivysaur and meet Porygon-Z, Gallade, and...Looker?
Lady faces a new Pokemon battle challenge when she must swap her Pokemon with her opponent and fight with rented Pokemon. Meanwhile, the Battle Frontier begins to suffer from a mysterious communications malfunction... What does it signify?
Then, Dia and Pearl set out to visit several Legendary Pokemon of the Sinnoh region. Will they be able to protect them from Team Galactic?
Plus, say hello to Togekiss, Empoleon, Heatran, Kakuna, Seedot, Ledian and Rotom